Chapter 16: The first hunt

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Author's note: I don't think I could ever be a vampire. 

1, because I get squeamish around blood.

and 2, I could never give up garlic bread.


Meggy had finally gotten everything ready. 

She's going to hunt down some vampires.

She laid her red beanie down, not wanting that to get ruined. Instead, she picked up a black beanie she had bought just for this.

The black beanie had really completed the look. Meggy's outfit consisted of a dark grey shirt with black shorts, a dark brown pouch attached to her waist like a belt so that it could carry stakes and other things Meggy might need, brown combat boots and silver earrings along with black fingerless gloves.

A knock came from the front door. "Who could that be?" Meggy asked herself.

She opened the door to see Luke's younger sister, Amanda, at the door, holding some paper.

"Hiya Meggy! Here's your mail! It was sent to us by mistake." She said brightly before pausing, "What's with the new look?" She asked.

Meggy had worn her vampire hunting outfit to the door... Meggy felt rage building inside of her from her own stupidity.

"Oh, uh...  I'm just trying out a new look." She said quickly, grabbing the mail from Amanda's hands. "Anyways, gotta go bye!"

She basically slammed the door shut right in front of Amanda's face. Meggy leaned back into the door.

"Well, that was weird." Meggy heard Amanda say from the other side of the door. "Eh, probably nothing."

Meggy did a sigh of relief. That was close.

She placed the mail on to the coffee table, she'll look through it later, right now, she had some vampires to hunt down.


Meggy slid down the railings on the side of the building to get to the ground. She wasn't going to have another awkward encounter like she did with Amanda. 

Like, what on earth was she supposed to say?

"Oh, don't mind me. I was about to head out hunting for vampires." Yeah, like hell she would say that.

She headed towards Blooper Street, where many of the murders have taken place.

'Who even came up with some of these street names?' She thought to herself.

The street was quiet, the park where kids would play was empty. It felt so odd without anyone there. 

Then suddenly, Meggy heard something from above. She hid under the slide, not wanting to get ambushed.

Three bats landed on the tilt-a-whirl, changing into more humanoid creatures.

One had cyan hair and a white jacket, the second one was wearing a brown cloak, and the last one was someone who matched the description of the vampire who bit Fm.

Meggy narrowed her eyes, she swore the one with the cyan hair looked familiar.

"I can't believe you two!" The cyan haired one yelled. She pointed to the one with silver hair. "You, lost your mask, again!" Then she pointed to the one in the cloak. "So, you find it in some comic bookstore, and you decide the best way of action is by killing the random store employee!?!"

"HeY!" The cloaked one said. Were they using a voice changer? "THaT GuY WaS BeInG A t0tAl InCeL! I DiD WhAt I HaD T0 D0!"

The one with the silver hair said nothing, she looked down at the floor. Holding on to a catlike mask.

"Ugghhh..." The cyan one pinched her nose. "Let's head back, I don't see anyone out tonight for us to feast on."

With that, the three vampires flew off into the night.

Once they were completely gone, Meggy walked out from underneath the slide.

"I'm surprised that they didn't notice you..." A voice said from behind her.

Meggy turned around and quickly got out a stake. Behind her was someone in a large trench coat, a fedora covered their head, the only visible part of them were their bright icy blue eyes.

The stranger rolled their eyes. "Relax, I'm not here to hurt you." They said. Meggy didn't believe that for one second. The stranger tossed something towards her. Meggy grabbed it. 

In her hands was a bottle of detaerigon. She looked up to ask the stranger something but...

They were gone.

"Okay... that's enough vampire hunting for tonight." Meggy felt herself shaking. She placed the bottle into the pouch, along with the unused stake.

By the time she got towards her apartment building, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

Meggy quickly, ducked behind the garbage bin. She peaked out to see Luke, along with a man she didn't recognize.

But as the two headed up the stairs, she noticed something.

The man was a vampire.

'So... That must be Three... who calls themselves that?' Meggy narrowed her eyes at the vampire who Luke called his boyfriend.


It was about 1:30 am when Luke got back home. Three offered to walk him home, not wanting to get lost in the forest. 

Luke agreed. He felt safe around him. Besides, Luke didn't trust himself to go back alone, not with everything going on in the city.

"Thanks once again, Three." Luke yawned. "I wish we could of spend more time together."

Three chuckled, he grabbed Luke's hand and gave it a kiss. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Glitchy." His eyes sparkled like rubies underneath the moonlight. "I had a wonderful evening with you." He placed a hand on Luke's cheek. "That's all that matters to me." 

Luke felt his face blushing again. He placed a hand on top of Three's hand and leaned in on the touch. 

They stayed like that. Until a growl was heard.

Three's face blushed, well, the best it could as a vampire. "Uh, sorry about that. I swear to you I ate something before you came over."

Luke giggled at Three's silliness. "What? Afraid I would say no to you drinking my blood?"

Three shrugged. "Are... Are you okay with that?" He asked.

Luke nodded his head rapidly with eagerness.

Three moved in closer to Luke. "Well then, stay still for me, would you?"

Luke felt his heart racing, he closed his eyes. Luke didn't want his eyes to give away his nervousness and excitement.

Three touched his neck for a second, before running a finger down towards his wrist.

It stung for a second. It was like Luke was taking a blood test or donating blood. Well, guess he is technically in this case.

Three let go of Luke's arm. Luke fluttered his eyes open. 

Luke let out a sheepish laugh. "Heh, for a second I thought you were." He pointed towards his neck.

Three winked. "I wanted to save that for another day."

Luke felt his face blushing again. "Uh... so... how did I taste?" Luke immediately regretted saying that. 'Who the fuck asks that!?!' 

Three gave Luke a quick kiss on the nose. "Like the richest dark chocolate known to man, smooth and fresh like honey, like -"

Luke cut him off, his face was basically a tomato at this point. "Alright! Alright I get it!" Luke giggled. He was starting to feel sleepy. "We'll talk later?"

Three pulled him in for one last kiss. "Of course, Glitchy ~"

Three turned into a bat and flew back to his place. 

Luke entered his room, not knowing Meggy had watched that whole scene with her own eyes.

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