Chapter 13: Meggy the vampire hunter

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Author's note: I have never watched Buffy the vampire slayer, but yet for some reason, I decided to reference it for the chapter title, just like I never read homestuck and constantly ask myself... "Is that a homestuck reference?"


Meggy ran to Luigi's flower shop in a panic.

'Vampires are real. Vampires are real.' She had looped over in her head. 

She opened the door; the little bell rang. Mario, who was talking to his brother, turned to face Meggy. "Meggy! What are doing here? Do you need Mario's help for the -" He was cut off by Meggy.

"Luigi, do you have anything with garlic?" She asked desperately. Her arms were shaking as she laid them on the counter.

"Uh..." Luigi froze, taken aback by Meggy's off demeanor. "I c-can see." He said before going into the back.

"The hell was that?" Mario looked at Meggy with confusion.

Meggy grabbed him by the collar. "Mario, I can't believe I'm saying this... But you were right. There really are vampires!"

Mario smiled. "Mario was right!" Then he remembers what just happened. "Oh God. Mario was right!" He clutched Meggy in his own arms. "What are we going to do?!"

Meggy let go of Mario's shirt. "We have to protect ourselves, that's why I came running here."

 Luigi came from the back. "Sorry Meggy, I couldn't find any garlic." He said sadly.

Meggy sighed in frustration. "Great." She drooped down. 

"What made you change your mind?" Mario asked.

Meggy rubbed her head. "Well, after english class I got a text from Fm to pick up Cube from class, when we got back, Fm revealed that he got attacked by a vampire."

Luigi jumped back in shock. "V-V-vampire!?!" He shouted. "Oh, now I really need to get garlic." The man in green said to himself. 

Mario's eyes widened in fear. "Is he gonna turn into a vampire?"

Meggy gave a quick shrug. "I don't know. Maybe, maybe not." Then she realized something. "Crap! I was supposed text Luke. Then again... maybe it's best if he didn't know."

"W-why is t-that?" Luigi asked, cowering behind the counter.   

"Glitchy's dating a vampire." Mario said with no hesitation. Luigi fainted upon hearing that. Meggy gave Mario a scowl. "Hey! He asked!" He tried to defend himself.

Meggy groaned, face palming. "Oh, brother." Her look became more serious. "Luke is in danger, Red. He's going to become another victim if we don't stop him!"

Mario frowned. "Are you saying that the vampire he's dating is the one whose killing all those people?" He asked Meggy, he counited talking before she could answer. "Why would he save Glitchy if he was going to kill him later?"

Meggy paused. Mario had a point with that. "Well... no. I'm not saying it's Luke's boyfriend." 

'Yet.' She thought. "He could be a target because he's dating a vampire." She explained. "We don't know how these vampires act or what they'll do next." She sighed. "Well, if I can't get any garlic. I'm going to get some old wood and maybe grab some silver." She began exiting the store. "Talk to you later, Red!"  

She closed the door, the bell jingling again. Luigi picked himself off the ground. "Mama Mia, my head hurts."


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