Chapter 27: Desti

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Author's note: Time to grab your pitchforks folks! 

Also, pentanal trigger warning for: Slight homophobia and racism.


The next day, Meggy headed straight towards humpback track. The biggest roller-skating rink in the city. 

She knew that cyan haired vampire looked familiar and what Desti had said last night had sparked a clue.

She headed towards the hall of fame, where past winners of the Skatefest would be hung.

Sure enough, Meggy found what she was looking for, a picture the cyan haired vampire with three other cyan haired people. The plaque under the photo read "2007 winners: The Killers!"

It wasn't the only photo of them; there were two more, one for 2006 and another for 2005.

Meggy stopped at the 2008 winners and froze.

The photo showed Desti, she was smiling bright, her eyes were lit up like stars. She wasn't the only person in the photo, there was a white young woman with strawberry blond hair, a cubby black woman who also had dyed pink hair like Desti, and the final woman was brown had teal hair and was muscular. The plaque read "2008 winners: The Octoposse!"

It all made sense now...

"Interested in my old team huh?" Meggy turned around to see the muscular woman from the photo, although, she no longer had teal hair, it was a dark brown braided up in a ponytail and she had a couple of tattoos on her, one of the most notable ones were a pair of scissors.

"Uh, yeah..." Meggy said. A million thoughts about Desti were running through her mind. "Are you guys still friends? You said this was your old team."

The woman smiled. "Yeah, my name is Eris by the way." She held out her hand.

"Meggy." She shook Eris's hand back.

"Yeah, like I said before after we won the 2008 torment, Desti moved away, if I remember correctly, she went to go live with her one sister who accepted her. None of us couldn't really keep in contact with her sadly, but the rest of us are still friends. Maybe it was for the best, after Desti left, my mom died, and I had to help take care of my younger siblings at home." Eris explained.

Meggy looked at the wall again and noticed something about the 2009 winners. "How come there's no picture there?"

Eris let out a scoff. "The Killers had won again but that year they didn't want their picture taken because quote-on-quote 'We're to go for that' and then they were banned from ever partaking in another torment because they were found out to be cheating."

Meggy felt a knot forming in her stomach. 'Did they try and kill Desti?'


Meggy was now back home. She stared at her phone for a while, thinking on what she should do.

Should she talk to Desti face-to-face? or should just call her?

She didn't know what to do.

Meggy had gotten a text from Luke.

Gaywalker: Meggy, help! I accidentally locked myself out of my apartment again! 

Meggy groaned. Suddenly, she got an idea. "Luke! He could help me out!"

She quickly ran outside, careful to leave her door unlocked so she also doesn't look herself out and headed towards Luke.

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