Chapter 34: No where to run

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Author's note: Opps, all drama!


June 8th, 2023

It had been a few days since Luke's grounding. Luke still wasn't allowed in his room at night, but Kevin had never told him that he couldn't leave the apartment.

Although Luke never left the building, he would usually just get the mail, or hang out with Meggy. He hasn't hung out with Mario after... everything.

Meggy, thank goodness for her. She and Desti let Luke and Three talk to each other, just so he could explain everything that happened. Luke was choking back tears in that conversation.


"Glitchy..." Three's voice was low, filled with sorrow. "I love you, but... how are we going to do this? This relationship?" 

Luke felt fresh tears forming. "I'm... not sure..." A knot formed in his stomach. 'Please don't tell me... Please, please, please.' 

Three let out a sigh. "Well, for now, this is a solution... I'll talk to you later, love you Glitchy." 

"I love you too." Luke did an internal sigh of relief. 'Thank God. I thought...'

"Uh, Luke? Do you need a tissue?" Meggy had asked. 

Luke's face was a mess, his eyes were red and puffy, a bit of snot was trickling down his nose, and his hair was all over the place.

"Oh, yeah, sure."

He really wished he could show both Kevin and Mario that Three isn't bad news.


Luke hadn't talked to Three for about four days now. He really wished he could but at the moment, Meggy was out at a match with her team.

It was rainy out, maybe if Luke can find where Kevin had hidden his phone, he can text Three to come over, after all, it was only him, as both of his siblings were at work. 

Luke was grabbing the mail when he heard the elevator door opened. He wasn't aware that it was finally fixed.

The door opened to reveal a woman with cyan hair, a guy wearing a cloaked hood, a woman wearing a cat-like mask and someone he could not see from the angle he was at.

Luke gulped; he knew these people. Meggy had told him, they were with Zer0, why are they here?!

He quickly ran into his apartment, locking the door behind him. They couldn't get him now, until he heard a key being inserted into the lock.

Luke grabbed a chair to block the knob from turning, but it was too late.

"Well, isn't this a pathetic sight to see?" A familiar, high-pitched voice spoke.

Evelyn Claythrone. The world's most spoiled bratty, bitch. She entered the apartment, looking smugly at Luke, who was still holding a chair.

"What the hell do you want? To raise the rent without your daddy's permission?" Luke snarled; he was not in the mood for this.

Evelyn turned her head to face the door she left opened. "You guys can come in now." She turned back to face Luke, a smirk on her face.

Oh fuck! She's with Zer0!

The three vampires entered in... Crap. Luke tried to run to his room, but he was tackled down by the vampire in the cat mask.

The cyan haired vampire, Killa, if Luke remembered her name correctly. Kneeled down, she looked at his arm. A frown formed on her face when she saw the bracelet Three had given him. "I should have known." She growled out. She stood back up, "Whisk. Satiate him, we don't want to keep Zer0 waiting for long."

Luke suddenly something sharp entering his arm, and before he knew it, his vision went dark.


"Why does Zer0 want this loser anyways?" Evelyn asked.

Bob was carrying the unconscious body over his shoulder, as he was the only one who could since both Killa and Whisk were busy making sure no one spotted them.

"S0mEtHiNg T0 d0 wItH ThRee. I d0n'T Kn0w aLl ThE dEtAiLs BuT YeAh."

"Because he's a backstabbing traitor." Killa turned to face the two. "That's why. Zer0 came up with the best idea to get back at him... he's going to turn the traitor's boyfriend." Killa stuck out her tongue in disgust.

"What's the difference between you trying to turn him verses Zer0?" Evelyn tilted her head. 

"Zer0... well... he kinda turned into a vampire from a more... different method then the rest of us... usually when he wants some human to join, another vampire would bite us." Whisk said. "Zer0 once told me if even the bite wound heals from being bitten by him, the person would still die, something to do with the venom in his saliva." 

Evelyn's eyes grew wide. Killa put her arm up. "We're here."


Kevin had gotten a text from Amanda.

AMANDA: Uh, Kevin... something bad happened.

Kevin felt a sense of dread.

What do you mean?

AMANDA: I can't find Lukie anywhere... I texted Meggy, she hasn't seen him either.

Amanda had sent him a photo; it was the inside of the apartment. The mail was thrown onto the floor, one of the chairs was knocked over and most concerningly, a needle was laying on the kitchen floor.

Someone had kidnapped Luke. Kevin felt sick, he tried to do everything to save his brother. And he still failed!

Lock the door and call the police, leave everything where it is, even that bloody needle. I'm going to see if I can leave early.

Kevin only had one suspicion on who could have done this. And she was going to pay.


Three had gotten a text from Luke. That was odd, but he felt his stomach drop once he knew who it really was...

Glitchy❤️: This is Lukie's boyfriend, right? This is his younger sister... Lukie's gone, he's been taken. I have a feeling it wasn't you since he would gone willingly.

What do you mean by willingly?

She sent him a picture of a needle on the ground, paper spread across the floor like it was thrown, and furniture knocked over. 

Three had a death grip on his phone. He only knew of one vampire who could have done this.

Thanks for telling me. I'm going to get him back.

Three made his way out the door, the thoughts of murder on his mind. The rest of his pod were playing a board game to pass the time.

"Hey guys." Three said, everyone turned to face him. "Who wants to get revenge on Zer0?"

Desti smirked, Terrance gave a thumbs up, Melody looked pumped. The only one who didn't was Axol.

"Right now? Why?" He asked. "I mean, I want payback as well, but why now?" 

Three could feel venom forming. "Because he has Glitchy..."

Everyone gasped. 

Axol looked pissed. "Ah, I see... That makes a lot more sense now. You can count me in."

Three had a wicked grin on his face. "Great! Now...

It's time for Zer0 get what he fucking deserves."

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