Chapter 26: We meet again

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Author's note: Hi! Sorry there was no chapter Wednesday, I had a pretty busy week so I couldn't finish this on time. Hopefully the one-shot was enough to make up for it.

Edit - 10/6/2023: I came back to write some more stuff that was originally going to be here but was exhausted from doing manual labor, so I didn't write it. But now it's here!


'One night!' Meggy angrily thought to herself. 'Can't I go one night without vampires ruining everything!?'

Meggy inched closer back to the stage... The good news is she finally found Desti.

The bad news... she was headed towards the stage. 

A stage full of vampires.

"Oh fuck."


Viper, Killa, and Whisk were taking on the pink haired vampire while Bob, Shark, and Scorpion were taking on the white haired one. Killa had the other vampires go after the humans, so this mission wouldn't be a complete failure.

Killa was suddenly knocked back by the pink haired vampire hitting her with a giant hammer. Where did she even get that?

She heard a growl behind her. "Hello, Killa." She recognized that voice.

The cyan haired vampire turned around in disbelief. "How?... You're supposed to be dead!"

"And you were supposed to be disqualified for cheating." Desti snarled back. "But we can't always have what we want."

Killa hissed and lunged at Desti, trying to attack her like a wild animal. 

Desti managed to dodge out of the initial attack. Killa noticed Bob was coming up behind her, ready to do a stealth attack.


Meggy noticed the hooded vampire was about to attack Desti. She sprang into action; she charged at the hooded vampire and kicked them across the room.

"0w! My UnDeAd 0vArIeS!" The vampire cried. 

Desti looked at Meggy with shock. "Meggy!?! What are you still doing here?" 

Meggy faced Desti. "I could say the same thing to you."

The cyan vampire shook out of her own shock and prepared to attack again.

When suddenly more vampire bats flew in from the roof.

"Oi!" Shouted a red-headed vampire with a phoenix tattoo. "What are you Zer0's landers doing in our turf?!"

Desti grabbed Meggy's hand. "Let's go." She whispered.

The two of them ran as the vampires had begun fighting each other. Terrance joined in after they got closer to the bathroom that he was hiding in. 

They didn't stop running until they were far enough away from the concert.

Meggy put her hands on her knees, out of breath, her heart racing. 

Desti was the first to recover. She let out a groan. "Uggghh! Why did that have to happen?! Can't I go one night without chaos?!?"

Meggy lifted her head up from the ground. "Apparently, not." She sighed.

Terrance nudged Desti's shoulder winking. Meggy saw her facing began to blush.

"Uh, well... it was nice to see you again, Meggy." Desti said, not looking directly at her.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you again too." Meggy felt herself began to blush.

Terrance handed Meggy something, she grabbed it while Desti jolted at what he did. 

He gave Meggy, Desti's number.

"Terrance." She let out a low growl and grabbed his arm. "Anyways, see you later, Meggy!"

The two of them scurried of into the night, leaving behind a flustered Meggy.

She looked down at the number. Her mind began to wander back to a few minutes earlier. 

"What did that cyan haired vampire mean by Desti being dead?" Meggy whispered to herself. "And Desti said something about being disqualified..." 

It seemed like Meggy had some work to do.

And she knew exactly where to start.


Back at festival, Zer0's group had quickly left after the reinforcements had arrived. Belle was wiping something off her jacket.

"Thank God you came! I wasn't sure how long I was going to be outnumbered." Saiko said. 

Belle waved her hand. "Hey, don't thank me. Thank your girlfriend. She's the one who called me and told me about the situation." 

Tari, at that moment, peaked her head out of a door. "Uh, is it safe to come out now?"

Saiko looked over to see Kazio starring off into the skylight. "Uh, yeah... sure is." She began walking up towards her bandmate. 

Tari shyly walked up to Belle. "What's going on with those two?" She was hoping to get an answer, after all, Belle spent a lot more time with them than she did for obvious reasons.

Belle shrugged. "No clue."

Saiko began to speak in Japanese, not wanting anyone understanding their argument. "Hey! What the fuck is up with lately!?! First, you start leaving or not showing up to our band practices and then you start harassing my girlfriend!"

Kazio growled. "None of your fucking business!" He yelled in Japanese. "Gah! Those Zer0 vampires were right, you are just some human lover! I'm the one who's skipping!?! Are you sure it's not you!? You always tell me." He cupped his hands together and made a baby face. 'Sorry, I can't I'm going on a date with Tari' or 'I can't hang out, I'm talking with Tari.' So, sorry I don't like my best friend being all lovey-dovey with some soft human." 

Despite not knowing what the two of them were saying, their body language still said a lot. Belle leaned in closer to Tari. "The girls are fighting." She whispered, causing Tari to put a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.

Kazio let out another growl. "Whatever, I'm heading back to our home base. Enjoy your time with your girlfriend." He turned into his bat form and flew off.

Saiko sighed. She turned back to face Tari and Belle. "Sorry about him." She spoke in English. "He's... not happy about our night being ruined." 

Tari hugged Saiko with her organic arm. "It's quite alright, I'm just happy that you're okay."

Saiko blushed. 

But she couldn't help but worry about Kazio and how he might go rouge, or worse...

Join Zer0's gang.

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