Chapter 8: What's real?

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Author's note: Y'all ready for some lore!?

Also, this chapter gets kinda gory. Just a heads up.


Luke stretched his back. Finally, his last class was over. He had a hard time focusing today due to Three being on his mind.

At least Luke turned in his paper for his film class on time.

As he walked down the stairs a voice called out his name. "Glitchy! Wait for me!" Mario rushed down the stairs, only to trip and fall on his face. "Oof!"

Luke picked up Mario from the floor. "Oh, my God! Mario, are you okay?" 

The man in red shook the dirt off of himself. "Mario's okay." He gave Luke a thumbs up.

Luke let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness."

Luke checked the time on his watch. 3:30pm. Good, he still had some time.

"Gotta go, Mario. I have something important to do." Luke hurried off, he had to get there before it closed for the day. 

He made his way to the school library, maybe this place might have some answers. Or maybe at least, some questions Luke could ask.

The library was quiet, of course. The only noise was the librarian clicking on the computer.

Luke didn't ask for help; he didn't want to seem crazy. 

Luckily, he found he was looking for...

In the back corner of the library, he found it. A book on vampires.

It was old, the protective cover was missing. But that didn't matter to Luke.

 'Vampire lore by Xelqua. I never heard of them before...' Luke opened the book.

Reading through the contents he found something's that were right. Vampires having pointy ears and sharp fangs, but that's not what he was looking for...

The next page Luke flipped towards was vampire turning. There was one way, if a human was bitten from a vampire and the wound was left uncured the human would start to turn. 

It seemed pretty painful, first the human loses their appetite, if they try to eat something, they throw up blood. 'How lovely..." Luke thought sarcastically.

Then, their teeth change to become longer, Luke imagined that for a second and flinched, holding on to his jaw like his teeth were going to change at that very moment.  

And finally, they basically have a heart attack that kills them. Before minutes later being reborn into a vampire.

Luke turned a couple of pages, not wanting to see anything graphic like that again.

He spoke too soon.

The next page he landed on was a graphic image of a vampire on the ground with a dead deer. The vampire had smooth black hair, piercing blue eyes, a small black mustache, and was wearing a fancy suit. 

But that wasn't the graphic bit. No, the deer's ribcage was exposed, intestines hung out of the deer's body, and the vampire had blood smeared all over his face.

"Vampires diet manly consist of blood, in many rare occasions some have been seen eating raw meat." The book read. "Vampires are a lot like werewolves, they hunt in packs. The normal amount of blood a vampire needs is about two liters of blood per day."

'Werewolves are real too!?!' Luke felt himself getting dizzy from looking at the dead dear. He turned the page to the thing he didn't know he needed until that very moment.

Vampire mates.

When two vampires become mates, one usually proposes with a flower, usually a violet, has they symbolized loyalty. 

If a human and a vampire become mates, it becomes more interesting.

The human becomes a vampire's number one priority, next to their podmates, if they have any. They'll do anything to protect the one they love.

Their human mate's blood becomes sweeter and sweeter to them as they both a get closer. 

The vampire turns their human mate into a vampire with a less painful way. Biting their neck, the vampire drinks some of the human's blood, but then the vampire bites themself and lets the human drink some of their blood.

Luke turns to the next page and quickly shuts the book, his face red as a tomato. He didn't need to see that! Thank you very much.

Luke left the library after that. Hoping no one will question him on why his face was blushing like crazy.

Now, he has some questions the next time he sees Three.

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