Chapter 36: Dying love

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Author's note: The last part of the chapter gets kind of gory. If you want to skip that, this symbol will appear when it appears again, the gory part is over.


Three, Axol and Melody flew through the window into the warehouse. The first thing Three noticed was Whisk in the beams, holding on to her mask. Guess someone threw it up there.

"What the fuck!?!" Another vampire yelled out. He was a bald man wearing an outfit that make him look like a stereotypical robber, black mask and all.  

"This that Three?" A high-pitched voice whispered to Whisk, who was now back on the ground. She was human... So, that's how they got to Glitchy... Through her.

Whisk gulped and gave the human a quick nod.

"Where is he?" Three growled. He had his claws out, knowing that this wasn't going to be easy.

"Who? Zer0?" Another bald vampire asked. "Oooooor... your boyfriend? ~" The squad of bald vampires chuckled.

Three felt his cheeks flare up. He let out a snarl. "Where... is... Zer0? If you don't tell me now, I'm going to turn you into dust!"

Melody suddenly let out a yelp, Three turned around to see Whisk had tried to sneak up on her.

"You ain't going to see Zer0." The bald robber vampire explained.

Three got into a battle stance, with Axol and Melody doing the same.


While Three was inside fighting Zer0's goons, Desti was outside with Terrance. Right now, the two of them were inching closer to Killa.

Right now, she and her team, along with a hooded vampire, were fighting with another clan of vampires. The rockstars, Saiko and Kazio, along with Belle.

Killa was thrown into a trash pile near Desti. She decided to make herself known. "Very fitting that you land in the trash." Desti growled out.

Killa lifted herself up from the garbage to see Desti. "You think this is funny, bitch?" She wiped off a banana peel off of her shoulder. She looked over to Terrance. "Who's this? Your new fuck buddy?" 

Terrance flipped her off. 

Desti growled. But before anything could be done, Meggy suddenly appeared, seemingly from falling off one of the trashpiles.

Meggy grumbled at her own misfortune. "Goddammit..."

Killa smirked at Meggy. "I remember you..." She said to Meggy. "You were at the Spice Fest with..." She paused at faced Desti again, who looked nervous. "So... the Three isn't the only vampire with a human lover..."

Meggy got up and pulled out a stake. "Yeah! And this human is going to send your homophobic ass to HELL!"

Meggy charged, letting out a battle cry.

Three was fighting off two out of the four robber vampires while Axol was fighting off the other two. While Melody was solo fighting Whisk.

Three noticed the human girl was hiding behind the couch, good. She knows not to mess with vampire fights, unless she wants to turn into a scratching post.

Three and Axol managed to take down all four robber vampires at once by having them charge, trying to attack the opposing vampire before dodging out of the way, leading the robbers to hit eachother square in the face.

Three let out a sigh. "Now, Axol, you go help Melody while I try -" Before Three could finish his sentence, the door on the second floor opened, and Luke stumbled out. He wobbled before he missed a step and began to fall down the stairs.

"GLITCHY!!!" Three's voice cried out. Three rushed over to his lover side and felt his stomach drop.

The left side of Luke's neck was ripped open, blood flowing freely from it, Three's pretty sure he could see bone. Small cuts and bruises also covered his body, no doubt from Luke falling down the stairs. Two long claw marks were on both of his arms. They were red and raw...

Those claw marks... could only mean one thing...


He was here. Three curled his hands into fists. He quickly took off his cape and wrapped it around Luke's neck. Trying to stop the bleeding, but it wasn't working.

Three felt tears threatening to spill. He had failed Luke...

There was only one thing for Three could do...

Three was to about to unleash hell.

His eyes became sits, his claws longer, his ears more bat-like, and two bat like wings sprouted from his back.


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