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Through a thunderstormy night, Dean was staring at Lisa's cell in his contacts in his cellphone. Ever since she told the brutal truth to him, he hadn't made a call to her or her calling him back. Karina was holding her book in a chair beside him, but she wasn't reading a page that was laying in her hands. She was looking at her friend in comfort if he needed anything from her.

Dean looked up in the distance, noticing her gaze in front of him. He set down the cell phone on the table, then walked over to the kitchen. Karina returned to reading her torturous scene, then her phone started ringing. She received a phone that titled, "Conjuring Salem," she answered the call on a speaker that blared with Sam's voice.


"Hey, it's me."

"Yes, I know it's you, hotshot. I saw the I.D., well, we have nothing. Unless you have something."

"I definitely got something," Karina muttered great from the call while Dean offered her a cup of coffee with cream. "It ain't a werewolf, for one."

"What is it?"


Dean and Karina exchanged looks as they recognized the name of the monster. He repeated, "A skinwalker? As in--?"

"As in, the family dog seriously needs a neuter."

"Wow. Haven't heard of a skinwalker in years." He turned to John's journal to find the page of the monster they were hunting, "I'm a little rusty on the profile."

"You and me both. Karina, ever hunted one before?"

Karina scoffed, "Absolutely not. I thought it was a made-up story that was authorized by a drunk hunter. Or the fact that I don't have any animal abuse in my profile, thank you."

"I just got the lowdown from Bobby. They can change anywhere, anytime. Skinwalkers infect you with a single bite. Otherwise, they're basically a werewolf cousin. Silver will drop them. They chow hearts like Snausages."

"Did you get him?"

"Not exactly, but I have some idea where he might be."

The following morning, Sam and Dean visited the animal hospital. They all got Lucky who turned out to be a middle-aged hairy, skinny man. Karina braided the ropes that were chained with silver and set him in a chair in the room so they all questioned him. In her mind, this was the most strange creature she ever encountered. She really wished that it was a drunk made-up story already.

Dean and Karina were sitting on a bed together as they squinted their eyes at the creature. Sam was sitting on a chair in front of the Skinwalker who was whining every move by the touch of silver. "Well, I gotta tell you, Lucky, you got us stumped. I mean, why shack up with a family? Is it a kinky thing?'

Lucky stopped as he looked at Sam offendedly while Karina was closing her eyes and shaking her head. He leaned down on his knees, "Do you like to play with your food? Roll over, Lucky. Speak."

"Go to hell."

"Already been, didn't agree with me." Sam rose up from his chair and moved across to the dresser that was filled with weapons. He picked up a silver knife as he slowly explained in detail, "So look, how about I take this silver knife and I start carving some dog until you behave?"

"You do what you gotta do."

Sam tossed over to the holster, then prepared to walk over. Dean stopped him as he obeyed his brother's voice, "Hang on, Sam. Listen, you don't have to tell me why you're with the family, I get it."

Lucky looked over to Dean as he nodded his head, "Oh, you do, do you?"

"You killed every threat that came near them. You care about them, in your own whack-a-doodle kind of way. It's obvious. What I wanna know is, who was that guy you were kibitzing with? He a Skinwalker too?"

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