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The next morning, Dean and Karina gathered their breakfast together. Coffee and a bag of donuts all in one carrier from a food truck, including a newspaper signaling a new case. They walked quietly toward the lot where Sam was squinting his face as he rubbed between his eyes upon the forehead upon the hood of the Impala. They both shared a similar thought of concern after they witnessed his seizure upon cracking the wall.

Dean volunteering asked first before Karina grabbed her glazed chocolate treat with her cold brew with caramel flavor. "How you feel?"

Sam answered honestly when he received his coffee, "Like I got hit by a planet." 

"Well, lucky for you I'm a doctor. I got Joe, grub, and..." Dean pulled out a bottle of migraine relief from Karina's bag.

"What are they?"

"Effective," said Dean, jokingly.

Sam shook his head lightly as he showed his cup of coffee would cure his raging headache. "I'm okay. Thanks."

"Sam, please take one."

Karina shared eyes with him, him knowing that she was serious from her words. He obeyed without asking questions as he swallowed one pill down his throat with his coffee. He exhaled after his sip, and then he asked them. "So how long I was out again?"

"About two or three minutes. Felt longer to me." Karina wasn't joking about that term. Seeing him seizing on the floor, took every ounce of her body to tense. She witnessed her fear and she didn't want to be a helpless witness in that scene, but she did. Just like she witnessed her father burning to the ground. "How did it feel to you?"

"About a week. Give or take."

Dean and Karina together sat beside him, taking all in. She spoke to him softly, "We're listening if you want to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"Talk about what happened to you. What did you see?"

Sam stared into her eyes, thinking how beautiful she looked under the partly clouds. Her eyes weren't golden anymore, but black and a little glitter of lavender around her lens. He didn't see the darkness just like she saw herself. He just witnessed Karina. Just herself, "Look, I mean, it wasn't fun, but I'm fine."

Dean repeated in disbelief as he looked out at the scenery, "Fine. It was Hell, wasn't it? You got a big fat face-full of Hell. Ever cross your mind you could have died?" 

Sam rolled his eyes as he scoffed his words, "Oh, come on."

"I'm serious. None of this "it's just a flesh wound" crap. Because we did it your way, we let you go explore... and every bad thing that we both said happen, happened. So guess what? Past stays past. We're not kicking that wall again." 

"So I'm supposed to just ignore it?"


"Guys, I might have done... who knows what. And you want me to just forget about it?"

"You shove it down and you let it come out in spurts of violence and alcoholism."

Sam commented, "That sounds healthy."

"Well, works for us." Sam returned his glance toward their eyes. Their eyes weren't unfaded with concern and terror. All according to his situation. All that mattered was his heart beating. "This is not a joke. Your life's on the line here, Sam. This is not a debate. I mean, first, you were a soulless dickbag, and now you're not. So we're good?"

Sam took a deep inhale as he thought more of things. He nodded softly, "Yeah, sure."


Sam looked aside toward Karina who remained quiet with her cold brew. He realized how much it broke her to let her witness his situation. He knew she had done everything she could to save him as much as he wanted to save her... even from that enchanting dance. 

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