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Karina Leone felt a cold, empty space when she woke up from her nap, Sam didn't sleep next to her as he promised. Then she was informed about Lucifer, he had begun to take over his mind filled with hallucinations and appearances to drive him to no more sleep. She had never seen him that tired with worn-out expressions and dark circles under his eyes.

Meanwhile, she had been keeping herself busy by writing her journal. The pages about how she was in concern for the man who she truly loved. Was Lucifer pulling each other away on purpose? That's why he had a little chance to come closer to her a few days ago... She had no knowledge about Sam's experience in Hell which she didn't want to. She knew that he had suffered so much for a year, no more; if only he would focus on the light more by his scar and her.

Everytime she looked at his miserable, exhausted face, her heart broke into pieces. She made her way to the nearest cafe in the cold, winter weather in Oregon. She ordered herself a large hot chocolate with a couple of old-fashioned donuts. She began to meet Sam who was ordering his fifth coffee to the cashier with the newspaper in his hand. She grinned softly. "Hey, stranger."

"Hey..." Sam yawned softly as she scoffed lightly. He heard her as he looked down on the path of snow near his shoes. "What?"

"You know, it's not fair. You were doing better."

"I know, Lucifer likes to play his games with me," chuckled Sam.

Karina closed her eyes softly as she groaned, "It's not funny, Sam. You are drinking coffee at every meal time, and you're not sleeping. I know that, because I can hear the television playing next door at two in the morning. It's not healthy!"

"I know that, Karina! Whether you like it or not, it's the only way I can focus on what's real."

"By killing yourself? Yeah, that's real," shouted Karina. Sam rolled his eyes as he pressed his lips together, not wanting the Devil's voice torturing him. Repeatedly warned him that she doesn't and will not love him. For the sake of him ruining the chance to earn what he wanted for years. The huntress shed tears down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes, "What's going to take, Sammy? How much pain will we both be facing after all these years? It's not because of Lucifer, or because my humanity has gone to shreds. It's you, always second-guessing your choices... I'm tired of it! I'm tired of the torture you had given me ever since that first night we were in bed together. I've told you what I wanted... I want you. All of you!'

Karina chuckled tearfully when she looked through his hopeless eyes, "Let's face it, whenever we come close, we intend to pull apart pretty quick. I know you've tried and tried, but you need to stop trying. Just... do it. I've done it, remember? When are you going to flip the switch and face the desire you want? You don't need Dean or me or the Devil to tell you anything about how you feel about that. It only matters to you."

Sam lowered his eyes down, avoiding her angry gaze, then Karina looked at the dark gray clouds. The server offered their orders on the counter, then they grabbed them. She walked further away from him while he followed her. His rage targeted Lucifer's laughter.

They approach Dean who was making an annoyed phone call with Frank on the deck, he commented. "You know, having a cranky total paranoid as your go-to guy-- that's-- it's...I don't know what it is."

"That's something you need to figure out, dumbass," said Karina when she was drinking her hot chocolate.

Dean shook his head, then he noticed his brother was holding a coffee cup. "What, are you for, like, the Guinness Record of Caffeine Consumption? That's like your fifth this morning."

"Trust me, he's counting," inferred Karina with a sarcastic tone. She turned her fury eyes on the car, getting to the backseat.

Dean looked between them, noticing the tension between Sam and Karina. "Dude, what did you do? It seemed Karina went off-humanity again."

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