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The book laid upon her sleeping face as she felt the van moving in different directions. Apparently, she had been taking care of Dean to get the trance goo out of his systems by medications, black coffee, and some fruits such as bananas, apples, and oranges. Then he slept beside her on the other side of the vehicle during the late hours awaited in nightfall.

The van arrived at a meat and poultry factory vehicle transported from the Biggerson's. The building viewed a warehouse from somewhere out of town. Dean and Karina woke up just in time to watch the happenings outside of the mysterious building in the middle of the parking lot.

Sam held the binoculars while seated in the passenger's seat, "That's weird, right? I mean, national franchises like Biggerson's getting meat from a place that looks like it wholesales Hong Kong knockoffs."

From the moment Sam returned looking through the binoculars, Dean replied, "Okay. Yeah. It's a little weird." He took another sip of coffee as he was taking a pill to receive more sleep.

"All right, well, I guess we wait till they close up shop, go take a look around?"

Karina noticed an upcoming car that was parking in the lot by the vehicle, "Wait." From her eyes, she saw the driver coming out of the car as it was making their way to the trunk. She gasped lightly as she recognized a face from who was supposed to be dead, killed by the trio. "Edgar."

It opened the trunk as it revealed a Biggerson's waiter that was covered in a bag as members and other beings guided the next victim to become a creature. "Leviathans,.. Son of a bitch" said Dean.

"What the hell is going on?" asked Bobby.

"I don't know, but something tells me that we need a better plan." Trio and Bobby shared looks to each other after the saying coming from Karina. Yep, they are screwed while sitting ducks inside of the vehicle.

The next early morning, Bobby volunteered to keep watch all night while the others were asleep. It was nice and peaceful until he heard a soft groaning and quiet footsteps to the front seat. Turning his face to his right, seeing Karina Leone who was slowly awake and sat on the seat beside him.


"Morning. Any updates?"

"Nope. Nothing new, just them jerking off in the building nowadays." Karina yawned softly as she reached for cold coffee that was left all night. It was disappointing to her, but she needed caffeine. Bobby looked at her as he asked, "Got any plan?"

"Well, I was thinking that me and Sam should take the perimeter around the area. So we can format the plan clearly and well enough to break in. You and Dean can keep watch here, but I'll wait until the boys wake up. It's fine." She caressed her eyelids, then she pulled her hair tie away from her hair. Carefully combed through from her fingers while Bobby looked at her in a different expression, then she squinted her eyes while grinning. "What?"

Bobby sighed heavily as he shook his head, "How you deal? How you act everything is okay when it's not? I've seen how you look at Sam, and I've seen how that boy looks at you."

Karina scoffed sadly as she looked down at her hands, "Bobby, I rather not--"

"Hey, I ain't done yet. That boy do have his scrambled all mixed up, but he had never stopped loving you... Karina... All of my years alive, I've never had happiness even in my childhood. You know how and where I got it? Karen. She was my happiness from the beginning we first met and ever in our marriage. The moments I've shared with her until she was gone from my life, I get to learn how to love. She learned that as well with me. When I shot my wife to death, it was one of the moments I regret in my life. From that time, I nearly wanted to be with her, but Rufus was there. I got redemption, you should do the same."

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