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After so many minutes to find a weakness against Leviathan in the basement, Bobby Singer had never been more tired in his life. Sam and Dean Winchester rested in their beds before they were slapped to their faces to wake up by Karina Leone. "Get up! Get up!" They both groaned tiredly while rubbing the stinging pain upon their cheeks. The first view of her when she was brushing her hair down to her shoulders. "Bobby wants us downstairs."

"Kay, we both have been at it for many days now, can you give us a favor out of the goodness in your heart... let us see you at 2:00." Dean returned to his pillow as he closed his eyes, relaxing on the cot. She rolled her eyes and marched up to him, raising her hand to slap him again. He immediately got up when he heard her footsteps, "Okay, okay, I'm up! I'm up!"

Karina looked after him, then she moved her eyes aside to Sam who was buttoning up his orange-tan flannel. Inhaling sharply, drowning in thoughts about what he said to her from the last mission. "I'm talking about whatever you're not telling me about. Look, guys, it's fine. You can unload. That's kind of what I'm here for." He doesn't really understand how dangerous it is for her to confess her secret to him, he never did for the past years. Never understood why she was capable of hiding the part of her for not opening up what was from her heart.

"What's up?" asked Sam who was buttoning up his flannel over a gray top. Karina answered the same response from the past days, nothing. He chuckled lightly as he walked across her, "Come on, you got to answer better than that. Talk to me."

Karina sighed deeply, opening up what was on her mind. "Sam... I hate to say it, but it seems like Dean is hiding something from us. Something that... cruel. He never acted that way before to me; I know he's your brother and family comes first, but... we're so alike, you know? Like, we know each other so much more than we've ever had ourselves. It's killing me that he's not telling the truth."

"I know... I feel the same way. Hopefully, one day, after Leviathans and everything... he'll open up." Sam and Karina nodded together before staring into their eyes and smiled softly. Dean alerted them from the hallway as they were summoned to the basement. Their hands slowly touched as their fingers caressed when they walked down the stairs.

"And how are my three favorite meat-sicles?" asked Levithan who was chained up in the chair. They looked at Bobby who was wearing gloves and looked down at the supplies that would weaken any creature from the lores... But Leviathans were annoying as hell to find anything.

Dean asked Bobby, "Is he still sucking air?"

"Greatest hits didn't do the trick. I'm down to b-sides and deep cuts."

"Well, you better figure out something quick. That whammy that witch dude put on him is only gonna last for a few days. He gets his spinach back, we're gonna end up having to drop a car on him just to stop him."

"Actually... Edgar walked away from that car. He's fine. Well, he's pissed at you, but..." Everyone in the room shifted their bodies in tension, then he mocked them. "Oh. You didn't know?"

"Why don't you shut your caketrap?"

Leviathan shivered fakely from Dean's insult. Sam turned to Bobby, "Bobby... you've been using all that stuff, and he still won't talk?" He shook his head, then Karina walked up to Levithan.

Crossed her arms as she glared deathly at the monster who was looking up at her with a smug grin, "How the hell did you find us in the first place?"

Scoffing lightly, "It was easy. I used pattern-recognition software and a basic heuristic algorithm to track your known aliases."

Bobby commented, "Great. What we need... a mensa monster."

"Okay, Chet, let's start from the beginning..." said Karina. She tilted her head to reveal the fire behind her lens, "...where you got our aliases?"

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