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Karina Leone ignored the assumptions about Castiel from Sam Winchester and Bobby Singer. She knew deep down that she can trust him from all of her heart since he was her guidance from years past. He wouldn't do that to her even if she was a part of his protection against evil. Crowley was too evil to compare the latest-- he would have a million tricks that all of them didn't know how he escaped from his death.

Involving her Guardian Angel wouldn't dare... she knew that. Without her father or the Winchesters, he was always by her side from the moment she entered the world. A world where there is chaos and circumstances that she could not keep up with. Without him... she would not be here.

The huntress was muting her half of her life by cutting the vegetables on the board in the kitchen. Carrots along with peas. The pot was boiling the broth while the thick chunky beef was cooking on the pan below the stove. From her ears connected with her headphones, playing Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. One of her father's favorite bands. Slowly focus on the music while Sam and Bobby interrogate a demon in a chair in the living room under the Devil's Trap. Brutally.

Sam Winchester had his mind on catching Crowley, but his heart went somewhere else. His eyes were in the zone toward Karina. He hated it that he was not siding with her on Castiel's case, but he needed her to try to see what was on her mind. She loved Castiel like her own family, but Sam did not want her to crash down by remorse and regret.

The backdoor opened, revealing Dean Winchester with the news to share. Karina quickly turned off the music, the stove dials, and set her knife down. Turning her concentration on her friend while Sam walked up to them while Bobby let the demon's blade on the demon's thigh. "I met Cas. About two hours ago."

Karina asked concerned, "What? How is he? Does he know?"

"No, he doesn't."

Sam asked urgently, "So, what'd you tell him?"

"Nothing. Just relax." Bobby approached them, repeating the same questions. Dean answered all the questions he was given while crossing his arms, "Nothing. Told him we were on some monster hunt. He doesn't know that we're getting close to Crowley.'

Karina lowered her eyes in sadness by thinking, shaking her head softly. Dean read her mind by speaking up to them, "You know, he's our friend. And we are lying to him through our teeth."


He interrupted his brother, "He burned the wrong bones. So Crowley tricked him."

Bobby inferred, "He's an Angel."

Karina defended, "How's that supposed to make a difference? He's a being who can make mistakes like we four humans do!"

"Nobody's saying nothing yet."

"You think that Castiel is partnering up with Crowley? You're kidding me? He can't even stand that guy in the first place!"

Bobby replied in a soft tone to Karina, "Look, I'm just saying I don't know. Now, look, I hate myself for even thinking it, but I don't know."

"You all don't know him like I do!"

The rest of the men went silent when the huntress spoke for her words, but one had a way to straighten her mind. Sam looked deeply into her eyes when he said, "Look, Dean and Karina, he's our friend too, okay? And I'd die with him, I would, but, look, I'm praying we're wrong here."

"But if we ain't, if there's a snowball of a snowball's chance here that means we're dealing with a Superman who's gone dark side. Which means we've gotta be cautious. We gotta be smart. And maybe stock up on some kryptonite."

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