Chapter 2

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The atmosphere that surrounded the castle was intense, it was if I was being confined by the darkness hovering around us.

Alaric walked towards the castle before stopping halfway to lift his hand in front of him and pressing down, once he pressed down on the air there was a slight glow that surrounded the palm of his hand to reveal that there was an actual barrier surrounding the area.

I suppose that part of the story was true but I'm seriously here to witness it with my own eyes, this feels a bit too much like a dream.

"This must be the's more advanced than I expected." Alaric sighed before turning back to face us as he walked closer and continued, "Do any of you know how to use magic? Even if it's a little bit, I'm going to need some help." He smiled as I shifted my attention to Gabriel then Emma.

None of us answered but then they all stared directly at me, "W-What? I've never learned magic, why would you guys assume I did?" I shifted glances between the three of them as they looked away without saying another word.

"Ahem, well I do remember my mother teaching me a bit of  analyzation magic when I was young-but I can't promise it'll work." Emma moaned as Alaric grinned holding a hand out to her, she hesitated before squeezing her eyes shut and taking his hand as he led her back to the barrier.

Gabriel nudged me with his shoulder before smiling, I could tell that he was referring to Emma and Alaric since they've been making it rather obvious ever since we left the empire.

I can't say I'm surprised that the two of them have chemistry considering they've been together since childhood but I never would've thought they'd be this oblivious to their own emotions.

"I need you to analyze the durability of the barrier, If I know how much magic was used to create it I should be able to find the balanced amount needed to break it." Alaric said,

"Hold on a second, can't you guys just make an opening to get us inside the castle instead of destroying the entire barrier??? Not to be negative but if you break the whole thing down and we end up dying in there the void will be set free again!" Gabriel hollered, and the both of them paused before looking back at him.

I'm glad he thought about that before it was too late, I was going to agree with Alaric's plan.

"I suppose you're right, no need to worry Emma I should be able to handle this myself, take a few steps back now." Emma stepped back to Gabriel and I as Alaric took a breath beginning to push his hand up against the barrier, softly beginning to whisper a spell underneahh his breath.

"Απαλλάσσω κάθε ανάγκη για συμπάθεια ή προσοχή λόγω αυτών των συνθηκών. Ζητώ και ικετεύω το θείο φως και την αγάπη να καθαρίσει και να εξισορροπήσει το ενεργειακό μου πεδίο, το φυσικό μου σώμα, το νοητικό σώμα και το πνευματικό μου σώμα! Απελευθερώνω εντελώς οποιοδήποτε αποτέλεσμα αυτού του φραγμού στο φως." He spoke clearly and not a moment later an entrance appeared through the barrier.

I decided to translate the spell for fun but also a little bit of practice for my language translation skills, "He said something like, I release any need to get sympathy or attention due to these conditions. I ask and beg the divine light and love to cleanse and balance my energy field, my physical body, mental body, and spiritual body. I release any effect of this barrier to light completely...I think?" I paused catching my breath as Alaric nodded in approval, "Y-Yes, correct Atticus, very good." He praised as Emma and Gabriel stared at me cluelessly.

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