30 Theme Challenge

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Hello. I am actually supposed to be studying Physics but I got bored and am trying out a 30 theme challenge. All themes are pretty random words that I dropped there. I suppose that this a little collection of oneshots? Thank you for reading. *bows*



1) Chocolate.

2) Lollipops.

3) Rabbits.

4) Cats.

5) Blood.

6) Crimson.

7) Night.

8) Name.

9) Love.

10) Time.

11) Past.

12) Homework.

13) Cream.

14) Cake.

15) Eyes.

16) Hair.

17) Dream.

18) Fire.

19) Murder.

20) Memories.

21) Chance.

22) Moon.

23) Sword.

24) Rain.

25) Candy.

26) Guns.

27) Roses.

28) Pain.

29) Dance.

30) Kiss.

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