10) Time - Mad Hatter/White Rabbit (Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland)

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“Good afternoon, Hatter-san,” White Rabbit smiled pleasantly.

The Hatter was silent, responding only by tugging the rim of her well-worn hat down. Her layered, raven hair had been pulled in to a messy ponytail but her thick bangs only served to shade her eyes further.

The White Rabbit’s amused smirk widened at this. His snow-white ears twitched adorably as he stuffed his hands in to his jeans. He strolled confidently towards the quaint table in the middle of the well-groomed garden.

They both seated themselves, the Hatter rather roughly compared to the mannered White Rabbit.

“What do you want?” The Hatter demanded, her voice unusually low and sultry.

She rested two white, heeled boots on the peach-clothed table, falling short of exposing herself for she was wearing a tight-fitting crimson miniskirt.

The White Rabbit cocked his head to a side, smiling innocently, “To talk to you, of course.”

“Stop being an angel. What do you want, stupid rabbit?” The Hatter tipped back her hat, flashing blazing amber eyes.

The White Rabbit sighed, his wine-red eyes forever amused, “Fine. I’ve got a job for you.”

The Hatter narrowed her eyes but nodded curtly, signaling for him to continue.

“I need you to look out for the one hundred and fifty-fourth Alice. It seems like this Alice is the first ‘he’… and he happens to be the younger brother of the ninety-eighth Alice. Thread carefully,” The White Rabbit warned with a small smile.

The Hatter yanked her hat down low once and stood up, brushing off her leather jacket. She started to leave but the White Rabbit’s lilting voice stopped her.

“Ah… You’re not staying for tea?” The White Rabbit raised a delicate china cup filled with rosemary tea.

The Hatter retorted, “Never with you.”

She left quickly, the White Rabbit staring thoughtfully after her. Pulling out a golden pocket watch, he smiled wistfully at the frozen little hands.

“For one who’s time has been stopped, she’ll never be able to forget past happiness… nor past pain,” He whispered.

And he sat there, sad and silent and his finger traced the name engraved on the back of the pocket watch.

Mad Hatter.

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