3) Rabbits - Alice (Pandora Hearts)/Alice

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"Hey... Why are you avoiding me?"

Alice seemed startled at the sound of my voice and jumped a bit. She spun around to glare at me with those sharp, violet eyes of hers.

"I'm-I'm not! Why the hell would I avoid you, stupid doppelganger?" She frowned, clearly nervous.

I moved closer, cornering her against the bark of the shaded tree.

I smiled, "You are, right?"

"Y-You can't know that, dumbass!"

"Yes, I can. Since I'm your 'doppelganger', I can read your mind... right, A-li-ce?" I leaned closer, resting my hands against the bark on either side of her face.

Her eyes widened, caught by her own words and unable to find a retort to shoot back.

I cocked my head to a side, "So, Alice, tell me. Did the Will of the Abyss do something to make you avoid me?"

Alice shook her head violently. My fingers brushed against her ear when I attempted to catch it. Much to my surprise, she shivered, pulling her ear out of my reach. She covered her ear with her hands immediately, shielding it from me as she shook uncontrollably.

"Eh...? Don't tell me that your ears are your weak point?" I stared blankly at her.

Alice seemed unaware of that fact herself, confusion evident on her face. I reached for her other ear, successfully capturing it and rubbing it. She turned her face to a side, pulling her ear away and I simply touched her unprotected right ear while she attempted to shield her left.

Then she snapped, "Stop it, you idiot Alice Holmes!"

She looked so adorable, standing there, panting with the effort of forcing out those words and tears still glazing her eyes. I just had to laugh, using one hand to ruffle her chocolate-brown tresses.

"You're really like a rabbit, huh, Alice Baskerville."

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