1) Chocolate - Yukina/Caramel

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Yukina's pointed tongue darted out to lick the thick, bitter-sweet liquid that coated her full bottom lip. With a delighted smile, she leaned back against the black leather sofa and crossed her long legs. Her blue-streaked hair fell messily around her like raven feathers.

"As I thought, chocolate fondue is the best!"

Yukina had just pressed another chocolate-coated marshmallow in to her mouth when a knock on her double doors interrupted her.

A familiar male voice called out, "Yukina-chan?"

Caramel pushed open the door and peeked in, his emerald eyes startling bright against the background of her black-and-white room. Yukina hardly spared a glance for him while she stood up, brushing off her denim miniskirt.

"Mou, Yukina-chan, you shouldn't take so much sugar! It's really unhealthy and you'll grow fat someday!" Caramel scolded, reaching for the white plate.

"So? What are you going to do about it?"

Yukina caught his slender wrist with a calm look. Caramel's eyes flicked upwards and met with Yukina's violet twin orbs. A devilish smile spread across her face as she shifted closer and a light blush dusted his cheeks. Her face was so close to his that their breath mingled and she purposely stayed there for a while, satisfied with watching Caramel.

Caramel could hear his heart beat jumping erratically. His face felt hot and the part where Yukina held lightly felt electric, his body suddenly hypersensitive. He was frozen, unable to move. Yukina's violet eyes showed that she was teasing him intentionally and he knew it, yet couldn't do anything to stop it.

Yukina let her other caress Caramel's face slowly and deliberately, before slipping around his neck and tangling in his dirty-blond hair.

"See? You can't do anything."

And her sugary lips touched his.


I wonder where this came from.

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