7) Night - Sharon Rainsworth/Jack Vessalius (Pandora Hearts)

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The night sky is truly beautiful, Sharon thought as she pressed her cheek against the cold window glass. The freezing sensation was refreshing to her tired mind-she had been going through various documents that night and she was feeling quite sleepy. With a sigh, she began to turn away from the window and reached out for her cup of rose tea with a slender hand when a loud crash startled her.

"Oh!" Sharon gasped, bringing a hand up to her full lips.

She calmed herself quickly and turned back to the window, searching for the source of the crash out in the garden.

"Ow-Ouch..." A voice muttered from a bush.

Sharon called out, "Um... Is someone there?"

"Ah, yes! Who's there?" A blond head popped out, covered in leaves.

Sharon barely suppressed the urge to giggle, "May I ask, who you are?"

The emerald-eyed male righted himself, brushing his lengthy braid back past his shoulder and grinned impishly.

"My name is Jack Vessalius! May I ask your name, my lady?"

Sharon smiled elegantly, "My name is Sharon Rainsworth. Uh... What may you be doing in my garden, though?"

Jack rubbed the back of his head in a show of embarassment, "Ah... I was attempting to climb a tree to see the world..."

What a curious way to brighten up my day this is, Sharon thought.

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