11) Past - Rue/Calleigh

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It was a quiet, cooling Friday night. Two high school girls strolled down the shop-lined street. Christmas lights sparkled like stars in the smog-filled sky, the wires that held them near invisible against the pitch-black.

The brunette stretched her arms high in the air, spinning around and dancing lightly with carefree abandon. Her hair was close-cropped in the back but longer in the front, framing her pretty, heart-shaped face. While she frolicked, her tresses fanned out to expose crimson highlights that glowed in the dim lighting. Her bright emerald eyes were filled with happiness.

The other was a thoughtful raven-haired one. Her hair was layered and spilled down her back like raven feathers. She walked slowly and calmly, her shoulders back and a thick novel held out in front of her at a healthy distance. Her violet eyes never left the novel, yet she never tripped.

They were from different schools-their uniforms said as much. The brunette wore a forest-green sailor girl uniform with a bloody ribbon neatly tied under the collar. She had a black wool cardigan that kept her warm and fluffed out the hem of the pleated miniskirt. A red armband that proclaimed her chief of a club was pinned on her left arm. She wore navy thigh-highs, but only the right was stretched the desired length; the left crumpled just above her brown lace-up knee-high boots.

The violet-eyed one wore a gold-trimmed vest over a white, short-sleeved shirt with a loose cobalt-blue tie. Her matching sapphire-blue skirt was a rare knee-length. A black arm warmer adorned her right arm, almost hiding her colourful digital watch. She had white stockings and chocolate penny loafers. She carried both her own briefcase-like school bag and the brunette’s backpack.

The brunette skidded to a sudden stop, her doe-like eyes thoughtful, “Hey, hey, you’re birthday is on the 25th, right? That’s Christmas, right?”

“Yes,” The violet-eyed one replied, her voice soft but melodious.

The brunette shoved a slender hand in to her pocket, scavenging for an item in the bulging compartment. Finally, she yanked out a scratched white cellphone. She tapped her foot impatiently while it loaded, and then starting jabbing the buttons furiously when it did. She must have scrolled through the entire phone before arriving at the calendar, where she highlighted the 25th.

She grinned, “Well, since tomorrow’s the 25th and it’s a minute to midnight, happy birthday!”

All was silent for a moment before the violet-eyed one stretched out one hand, closing the novel with the other.

“What?” The brunette cocked her head to a side, frowning.

An amused smile tugged at the corner of the violet-eyed one’s full lips, “Present?”

How brazen! The brunette thought.

Crossing her arms across her ample chest, she pouted, “I’m sorry but I don’t have one.”

Seeing the brunette’s adorable expression, the violet-eyed one giggled lightly.

“What? Please do not laugh!” The brunette protested.

The violet-eyed one flicked at her hair with a lingering smile, “I just remembered something silly. It was when we were still in the same school, middle school. I always pretended to celebrate my birthday with you, practicing for the real day. To think that we never got the chance to that year because I had to move to LA? Well, it all sounds ridiculous now, right, Rue?”

“Mm-mm!” The brunette shook her head violently. “I recall doing something similar to you, Calleigh, back then!”

With light-hearted happiness, they both laughed as fireworks exploded in the night sky.

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