OWAR: Reputation

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I imagine if OWAR was a game, it would have a day and a night section.

The day section is all about interacting with the staff and Animatronics at the park, and gaining or loosing reputation with them.

In this hypothetical OWAR game, you obviously play as Rosie.

To get Animatronics, you must Reclaim them, and doing so, you must interview them.

It works similarly to the Pizzeria simulator Salvage, but here's how it differs.

Instead of Audio prompts, you get to ask the animatronics questions. 

These questions will provide useful information about the night behaviors, what items they like, what type of person they don't want you hiring, and what type of person they would like hired.

Be careful though, as some questions may offend the animatronics. Ask too many offensive questions, and they may decide to attack. Each Animatronic has their own type of offensive question they don't like. For example, asking Toy Freddy about his weight is bound to piss him off, but ask Maz Hatter the same question, and she won't care.

Also, during the reclamation, you must physically assess the Animatronics, to see what repairs need to be done. Mishandling them during this will also anger them, and cause them to attack. They will let you know when they're in pain, so you can typically drop what you're doing to stop hurting them.

If you decide to not reclaim for a given night, you can instead choose to hire or fire. You are given a selection off staff you need and staff you currently have, and staff you can hire. You can then choose hire someone or fire someone. You can only do one per night. When hiring, you look at their resume, and can ask them questions to determine their personality. For example, when choosing for a day guard, you might want a person who gets along well with the animatronics, such as Alisa. A more aggressive and defensive personality, Such as SCP-682'S, is more fitted towards the night guard shift.

However, keep in mind, that some animatronics might not like who you hire. If you hire SCP-682, the toys might have some choice words to say about his criminal background.

Reputation and Relations are key in OWAR. You gotta make sure people are happy with one another. You can help ease tensions by giving gifts, talking, playing mini games with, or doing other things with the animatronics and the staff to help ease uncertainty. However, some things can't be so easily forgiven, and you may have to have a serious discussion with the parties involved to help resolve it.

Reputation is the relationship you have with a band or group as a whole. Increasing your relationships with a band or group members will also increase your reputation. Having a low reputation will steadily lower your relationships with the band or groups members.

Having a low relationship makes it more likely that your staff are gonna quit or that the animatronics will be hostile at night, and have a higher AI. Keep the relationships up.

To improve relationships with you and the staff or animatronics, you can give gifts, speak with them, increase the pay they get (Rosie even pays the animatronics. To her, they are staff, no matter what you tell her), increase the quality of their areas, and so on.

High relationships make it so staff are more likely to do extra work, animatronics are more likely to not be hostile and even help you during the night, and also make them give you gifts and talk to you.

So that's how this works.

And the night section?

I think we all know.

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