Akumatized 682

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[......I am....disgusting.] -SCP-682, shortly before becoming Akumatized.

[*indistinct growls and snarls*]-Apep.

Villain name: Apep

Akumatized Object: Star necklace

Amok Object: N/a

Senti-Monster: N/a

Senti-Monster Ability: n/a

Ability: With a newfound immunity to ALL the Miraculous powers (except for the Butterfly), Apep abuses his hypnotic gaze to lure unaware holders to devour them and their Miraculous to gain their power. Simple, yet deadly.

Reason for Akumatization: After finding out he nearly drove his sister to take her own life, 682 was devastated. He uttered how disgusting he found himself, before heading up to the roof himself. He saw the Akuma coming, but he didn't care. As far as he knew, he was disgusting, and this Akuma proved it.

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