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I remember being so happy before....

Before I met Trevor. Before she died. Before my entire world fell apart.

3 months earlier

Waiting for Karla to finish tutoring, I grab my bag and head to Prof. Myers class. I need to talk to him about my upcoming assignment. I knocked lightly on his door and was greeted with a bright smile. 

"Come in."

I return his smile and walk into the classroom. He gestures his hand towards a seat and I sit down, grabbing my work from my bag. 

"I'm having trouble understanding this question." I say, pointing towards the paper.

"What do you think it means?" He asks.

I sigh and shake my head.

"I don't know."

His hand reaches over mine and he shows me where in the article the question is talked about.

"I can't believe I missed it!" I say, frustrated.

"It happens."

I groan and lower my head to the desk. 

"If you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask" He says, reaching over and grabbing my hand.

I look up in surprise. His hand is surprisingly firm in mine. While I had to admit he was a handsome man I never really thought of him romantically. 

I look away to hide the blush creeping onto my face and start to rise from the desk.

"I better get going."

"I'll stop by your apartment in the morning and drop off the flyers you asked me to print yesterday" He says.

I nod my head, grab my bag, and head to Karla's tutoring class. I hope she's done already. I need to talk to her about my interaction with Professor Myers. 

Did he think I was pretty?

I had a nice form but never showed it off. My chestnut brown hair waved naturally and my green/blue eyes stood out from my appearance. My light freckles the cherry on top. I always thought I was pretty average but if a grown man was interested in me? 

I laugh it off, he's 38 and I'm only 19. Must be the stress getting to me.

I turn the corner and see Karla headed my way. I start to smile but I see her expression. 


I stop talking when I see her eyes feel with tears. I open my arms and she falls into them. She starts talking but I can barely hear what she's saying.


Once she calms down I start to ask again.

"What happened?"

"Someone tried.....rob the there.....shot her....dead." her voice in between sobs.

Tears start to form in my eyes. Her mom was like a mom to me, the only one I had. 

I stay strong for my best friend and walk her to my car. She doesn't have one so we go to school together. I drive her to my apartment and grab a bowl of ice cream from the fridge.

"" Karla says when she sees me.

I smile sadly and hand her the bowl.

"Were gonna watch movies and eat ice-cream because that's all I know how to do."

After a few hours I look over and see Karla sleeping, soundly. I finally let myself cry, the tears pouring out. I stay there in my own sadness for a few moments before laying a blanket over her. I get up and plop down on my bed. My eyes drift shut.


In the morning  I hear Karla crashing about in the kitchen. I groan and bury my head into my pillow.  What time is it?

Reaching over I grab my phone and glance at the time. Already 9:23? It didn't feel like I slept that long. I reluctantly drag myself out of bed and walk into the kitchen.

My entire body freezes. There's a man in my kitchen with a gun pointed at Karla.

He looks directly at me then in a rage turns towards Karla. 

"YOU SAID THERE WAS NOBODY ELSE HERE BITCH!" He screams, walking closer to my best friend.

Karla backs away until she runs into the counter. The man laughs and presses the gun directly to her temple. Tears running down her face she squints her eyes closed. The man takes off the safety and moves his finger back to the trigger. 

"Such a shame, two smart, beautiful women, lying dead on the floor" He sneers, glancing at me. 

I haven't moved an inch since I saw the scene. I have to do something! His finger starts to press down on the trigger.

"Wait!" I scream, forcing my voice to work.

With his finger still on the trigger he turns to look at me fully. A smile playing on his lips.

"Kill me... I.... you..... you can't....she....doesn't" I say with tears forming, my confidence fading.

Swiftly he points the gun towards me and walks closer. I start to back away but stop when his eyes meet mine. 

"No witness's, if I kill you I'll still have to kill her" He starts.

"The only thing is, I don't want you dead, not yet."

What does he mean by that? He grabs my arm and forces me down onto my knees. I gasp when my skin touches the cold floor. He starts to unbuckle his pants and pull them down when I hear a knock at the door. 

"If you don't tell me who your expecting right now, I'll invite them in and you can watch them die."

"" the words stumbling out of my mouth.

The man directs me to open the door and tell Professor Myers I'm busy and to come back later. I shakily get up and go to the entrance hall. I open the door to a frowning Professor.

"Did you get into a fight with your boyfriend? Are you okay?" He asks.

Dread fills my stomach, he heard all the yelling. He must've been waiting outside for a while.

"Yeah, it's no big deal" I say, forcing a smile.

He doesn't seem convinced and tries to to take a step inside. I block his way and tell him exactly what the gunman told me to. 

"Charlie, did he hit you or anything? Your eyes are red, you've been crying."

I fight back more tears and push him out.

"I'm fine, now I have homework to do. Bye Professor Myers."

I shut the door in his face and walk back into the kitchen. My eyes widen and I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Karla, no.

1036 words

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