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I lean against Myers (Maxim) as he takes me to his car. He saved me, again. 

He took my signal and shot Trevor in the stomach and then using Trevor's phone we called the ambulance. He might die and he might live. I hope he lives. I want him alive and rotting in jail for the rest of his pathetic life. I climb into Maxim's car. Should I call him by his first name? I sit in the back and cry, cry for Karla, for her mother, and for everybody that Trevor killed. Every poor soul that died at his hands. 

"We have to go to the cops and they're going to ask you a lot of questions" Maxim finally says.

I nod, fiddling with my hands. I have to tell them about everything, even what I willingly did. If I don't, Trevor surely will. That is, if he makes it out of this alive.

"Professor Myers, last night I had a lot of wine and I......." I stop, I can't tell him this.

"Charlie, It's not your fault, the man has a way with words. And, You can call me Maxim, I owe you that much."

"You don't owe me anything" I mutter.

He shakes his head and we ride in silent for the rest of the drive. I guess we were in a nearby city, called Tussle. It only takes us about a two hour drive and then I'm back in my hometown, Mayville. He pulls into the Police station and I get out. I stand still and try to figure out what I'm going to say. 

"Charlie...we have to go in."

I nod and follow him inside. A few people look at me in my fancy black dress. My hair a huge mess I'm sure. He talks to the person up front and I watch her eyes get wider the more he says.

"Charlie Kindle?" The women asks.

I nod and she instructs us to sit down. I sit next to Maxim and we wait for about 5 minutes before a police officer comes out. 

"If you feel comfortable you can come with me" He says.

I look at Maxim, frantic. I can't go in there by myself.

"He can't....?" I start.

"I'm sorry but no."

I shake my head and stay still. I'm not going in there by myself with a random guy. I don't care if he's a police officer.

"Can you ask a women officer to go in there as well. I think she'll be comfortable" Maxim speaks up for me.

The man nods and comes back with a women in her 50's.  I follow them into a little room and sit down.

After going over my rights and the fact that everything is being recorded she gets started.

"Okay Charlie. Can you tell us everything you remember that happened from the moment you were taken?" The women asks.

I start from the very beginning and end with what happened just a few hours ago. 

"Now, I know this is hard for you, but you said you had sexual intercourse with Trevor willingly yesterday?"

I nod, tears coming to my eyes, the shame burning me from the inside. 

"This doesn't mean your a bad person. More than likely he manipulated you."

I nod, wanting that to be true. Needing that to be true. I don't think I can live with myself after what I did. 

"Here's what's going to happen, your going to get to call your dad and then you can go home."

Nodding, I get up and call my dad, crying. He says he'll get here as soon as he can and then hangs up. I go back to where Maxim's sitting and sit as close as I dare, I need the comfort. I look at him with tears in my eyes and he opens his arms. I leans into his hug and cry on his shoulder. I'm pretty sure our relationship is no longer professional. I don't care, he saved me. 

We sit like this until I hear someone talking, frantically. I know that voice. I bolt up and look around the room, he's here.

"Dad!" I yell, running towards him.

He pulls me into a hug and starts to cry. I can only imagine what he's been through. The worry he must have felt.

"Charlie, your safe" He whispers.

I nod and hold on for dear life. I missed him so, so much. He's the only person who cared enough to stick around. He'd never hurt me, unlike mom. She would've wanted me gone.

He smooths my hair down and steps away, taking in my appearance. 

"Who did this to you?" His tone darkening.

I don't know whether to tell him or not. I look back at Maxim but he doesn't say anything. 

"A really messed up man. A man that has a way with words. The man that ruined every moral I ever had" I say, tears falling.

He casts me a confused look but before I can explain the same women who interviewed me starts speaking to him. I move away and let them talk. 

Suddenly I hear someone say what I had been hoping for. My heart leaps.

"Mr. Hunt survived the shot."

Trevor Hunt, that's his full name. What an appropriate name. He's a hunter all right, a deadly one. Maybe I shouldn't assume it's him. Although, I'm almost 99% sure it is. 

I look at the officer and mouth the word Trevor, he nods. My thoughts spin in my head and I have to sit down.

"Are you okay?" Maxim asks.

"Yeah, more then okay."

He nods and stands up. Grabbing his keys he gives me one more reassuring glance before walking out. 


The next day

After a good nights rest I wake up prepared for the day. I'm in my own clothes, lying in my own bed, with my phone across from me. I remind myself, I'm safe. I'm okay. He can't hurt me. He's suffering in a hospital bed. I get up and go through my normal morning routine. In my home, my real home. I'm home. 

After I'm done I walk downstairs and prepare breakfast for my dad and I. Eggs and Bacon with strawberry butter toast. My breakfast over the last 2 weeks consisted of a wheat protein bar and water. My lunch a plain sandwich with nothing but meat and bread. Dinner, chicken noodle soup. It's safe to say Trevor couldn't cook. 

I finish up and prepare our plates. I head to my dad's room and knock on his door. He doesn't answer so I walk in to find he's still sleeping. Placing the food on his nightstand I decide to call Maxim.

He answers after the first ring.

"Charlie, did you sleep well?" He asks, a little shock in his voice

"I did, but I wanted to talk to you about something, in person." I ask, confident.

Last night I realized I still loved him, if not more. I don't want what happened to hold me back. Everybody thinks I should take it easy and heal. I don't want to stand still, I want to dance. I can't just be known as the girl who was kidnapped and raped. I just can't. 

I'm not disgusted by all men just that one. I'm allowed to be in love without being messed up, I am.

I'm still the same old Charlie and I'll prove anyone who thinks otherwise wrong.

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