New Plan

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After telling me everything he's quite for a while. I look into his grey eyes but I can't see anything other then hate. 

"How do you know Professor Myers?" I finally get the courage to ask.

He laughs cruelly and instructs me to get up. 

"My leg.."

"Get up before I shoot your other one."

I struggle but manage to stand. The pain bearable for now. I stand there and look at him, knowing if I move it's gonna hurt a lot worse. Reluctantly, he comes over and grabs my arm, pulling me into another room. This room has a thin bed with a sheet but no blanket. Fortunately, the floor has carpet.

"You'll sleep here."

The tears start to pour down, realization hitting. I have to stay here until they decide to dispose of me. I'm not gonna live to graduate, marry, or even have kids. How did I get into this situation? Oh, wait, I trusted a creepy man I don't know. How could I be so stupid! 

"Now, to answer your question, he's my half brother. We used to be close until I joined this gang."

"He obviously likes you so I'm gonna ruin the one thing he's got" He continues.

He gets closer to me and lifts my chin up, his lips touching mine. His tongue forcing my mouth open. I try to pull away but his hands are firmly grasped around my waist. Finally, he releases me and I back away, almost falling.

"What the hell was that!?" I yell.

"Sweetheart, you're mine now. No way out."

"Why don't you just kill me then!?"

He shakes his head and leads me into yet another room. This one has a nicer bed with a bed frame and all. The room has some furniture around but not much. The floor a soft carpet. 

I look up at him hoping he doesn't want me to do what I think he does. I'm still a virgin, I won't lose it to him. 

He pulls out a gun and directs it towards me. Is he gonna do it? Maybe then this will all be over. All the emotions I keep bottled up. All the hurt. All the desperation. Maybe, just maybe I'll be happier somewhere else.  I close my eyes and accept my fate. I wait for several seconds before opening my eyes. 

"Are you done?" Trevor asks, smiling, the gun nowhere to be seen.


"I'm not going to kill you, that would be a waste of such a pretty girl."

I realize that the tears I had dried up. I couldn't even feel sorry for myself. I just had to accept my fate. Just like that.

"Lay down" he instructs.


Taking a few steps he grabs my arm and shoves me onto the bed. I won't let him do this! He gets on top of me and pins my hands down.

"STOP, PLEASE!" I scream, desperate.

Surprisingly he stops and gets up. I breath a sigh of relief. Maybe he'll spare me, at least for now. Until, He comes back and resumes his previous position. What's he doing!? I try to push him away but he whispers something in my ear, pinning me down.

"This is all getting recorded darling. I'll send it directly to Maxim."

"But won't you be in it?" I squeak, my voice failing.

"My face won't be in the video, only yours" He says, smirking cruelly.

"Please..." I whisper.

His only answer a swift movement of taking his shirt off. His gaze on me, he takes off my shirt and soon enough were both fully unclothed. My mind goes blank as he enters. It hurts but my mind can't keep up with the pain. Blank, nothing.

Karla, Karla was spared. They could have done this to her but they didn't. I hear screaming and I know I'm the one screaming but it's hard to tell. I'm so scared. me....please. 


I wake up naked lying next to Trevor. I slowly get up and leaning on my good leg I hop out of his room. I have to get far away from this man, this dark, twisted man. I make my way to the bedroom he told me was mine and lay on the cold, hard bed. I hurt, I hurt everywhere. My body remembers what happened but my mind wants to block it out. I start to cry softly. All I am to him is just a revenge tactic. I wish he would've just killed me. I can't go through that again. I feel my eyes drift close, I'm so tired. Soon, I drift off into the sweet relief of sleep. 

Once again I wake up but this time to Trevor standing over me. He throws a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt at me. I soon realize I still don't have anything on. I quickly get dressed and he tells me to follow him. The pain in my leg the least of my worries. We get to an office and I sit down. 

"Mr. Prince Charming called the cops" he tells me.

"It's only been a day" I reply, numbly.

"Remember I sent him that video" He says, slyly.

I look at him confused until I realize what he means. That video. Then it really hits me. Oh, crap.

"What did he say?" Is all ask.

He tilts the computer in my direction so I can see for myself. The email has the video but below it is his reply. He said, "Charlie, if you see this don't worry. I promise I'll do what I can. Stay strong." 

I turn away and start to sob. I don't know why he cares so much! Why can't anybody just let me die! Trevor leaves and lets me sit there for while before coming back and taking me to his room.

"No!" I scream.

"Shut up! Nothing's going to happen. I want you to watch the news" He says while turning on the TV.

I look up and reluctantly watch the news. The video is played from the very start before anything happens and ended before it gets serious. Why would they play that in front of millions of people. My case is already aired all around the world. I watch my dad try to speak but his tears stop him. My poor dad. They probably showed him the video. Then Trevor turns off the TV. We sit there in silence for a long time. Tears in my eyes I look at him and mouth the word please. He shakes his head and walks out, leaving me to cry by myself. 

After a while my despair turns into hope. What if I can get away? What if I escape? I look around the room. 

All I need is a weapon.

*A/N Sorry if this story is a emotional wreck but that's kinda the point. I want to put you in the mind of a young women who's been through a lot of traumatizing things. The emotional rollercoaster is just an unfortunate part of this. Even if you think she's acting stupid just think about the place she's in. It's not hard for someone to seem a little crazy. 

I hope your enjoying the story!

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