Orientation Gone Wrong

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I walk into the gym fully prepared. I stand next to Professor Myers, were up first. We walk onto the stage and I adjust the mic on my shirt. 

"Hello everyone, I'm Professor Myers and this is Charlie, a second year student here at Amherst. She's studying to become a therapist."

I smile and start my speech. I talk about how to manage the work load without stressing too much. I explain my personal experience and then I hand it over to Myers. He adds a few things and then it's over. We hand out different study techniques papers and ways to destress.  

"A therapist huh?" Someone asks after everybody's left, walking up to me.

"Yep, I like to help people who are struggling emotionally" I reply, continuing to walk.

"Could you help someone like me?"

I finally turn and look at the stranger. He's around his mid 40's with light brown hair and grey eyes. 


He smiles and starts to say something but is interrupted by Myers. 

"Leave the girl alone, Trevor" He says, with a hint of anger.

"Look at you Mr. tough guy. Saving the poor maiden."

I frown and look between the two of them. What the hell are they talking about? I start to walk away on my crutches but the man known as Trevor grabs my arm. I yelp in shock, trying to regain my balance. 

"Meet me at three by the side door of the school. I'll tell you Myers's greatest secret." He whispers into my ear quickly before my Professor pulls me out of his grasp and into the hallway.

"Whatever he said, ignore it." 

I nod my head and follow him into his office. I wonder how they know each other? We have another group of kids in about two hours. I look at my phone it's already 12:30 and I'm starving.

"Where do you wanna eat I'm starving?" he says, reading my mind.

"Mmmmm....I want Chinese food" I reply, shocked he just invited me out to eat.

"Great lets go."

I get up and follow him to his car. He helps me in and we head to Ming's my favorite restaurant.

"I didn't know you could cook." I say with a smirk once we sit down.

He just told me his dad used to be a chef and he learned a thing or two. 

"Charlie, I could probably cook better then you."

I laugh, he's completely right. I can't cook worth a crap. 

"Prove it" I say, feeling cocky.

He laughs and says he'll bring me his favorite meal to try. I love the sound of his laugh, deep and smooth. 

"It better taste freaking amazing." 

"It will."

We get our food and eat in silence for a while. Finally, I ask him about his hobbies, other than cooking. 

"Tell me yours first" He replies, smiling.

"I'm very passionate about music. I originally wanted to be a singer."

"If I have to cook for you then you should sing me a song."

I blush creeps up my cheeks. Sing? He wants me to sing for him. I smile brighter.

"Of course."

We finish our food and head back to the college. It's already 2:00. Shit, we only have 30 minutes. We stop by his office and grab the left over papers before heading to the gym. 

We do the exact same thing as before and when I leave I realize it's almost 3:00. I don't see Myers anywhere and my curiosity gets the best of me. I have to know what Trevor said. I stand next to the side door and wait. I wait for around 20 minutes before deciding to head back into the school and wait for my dad. He should be here around 4:00. As soon as I open the door I hear footsteps behind me. I turn but not fast enough. A hand covers my mouth. There's a cloth in his hand and panic sets in. My head feels light and my vision blurry. My eyes close, no.


I wake up in a haze, my head pounding. I look around but can't see much. The room is pitch black with no window and hard concrete flooring. It's freezing.  I hear shuffling around me and turn around quickly. I realize my hands are bound and my mouth covered with some type of fabric. 

"She's awake Trevor" A deep voice says.

I think I'm facing the voice. Wait, Trevor? Isn't that the guy who talked to me after the orientation. He also told me to meet him after school. I knew I shouldn't have gone! Why did I have to be so naive and stupid! Soon I'll be nothing but a lifeless body. I start to hyperventilate. My panic rising. 

What do I do?! I start to scream. They have to take this thing off my mouth, I can't breathe! 

I hear footsteps walking towards me.

 "Take it off!" I scream into the fabric.

"What was that sweetheart?" He laughs.


"I don't think she can breathe Trevor" He says after watching me for a moment.

Another pair of footsteps and someone finally takes the cover off. I exhale and breathe in deeply. Trying to calm down I use the method the nurse told me about. It doesn't help much. I smell dust, I see nothing, I feel cold, I hear shuffling. After everything goes silent I'm finally able to calm down. At least, as much as I can. 

"A therapist who has panic attacks."

"Trevor, give the kid a break, her best friend died. Remember?"

"Gavin, if you say one more thing I'll shoot you. Got it?"

The man named Gavin backs down and shuffles away. I don't want him to leave me alone with Trevor. 

"Do you know why your here?"

"No..." I whisper.

He picks me up roughly by my arm and I yelp. He leads me to a room with more light. 

"Sit down!"

Struggling to regain my balance I sit down and look at my feet. I can feel his deadly stare, causing me to shiver. 

"You're here because you got one of my men killed."


He lifts my chin up roughly so I have to look at him. Smirking he unbounds my hands.

"Honestly you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time darling."

He continues to tell me the rest of the story. The guy that killed Karla's mom was also sent to kill Karla. Her father was a part of their group until he ratted them out. He started a family and everything was fine until Trevor found out where he lived. They decided instead of killing him they would kill his wife and daughter. They staged it to be a robbery but Karla wasn't there. They found out where she went to school and when they saw her with me they followed us. They planned to kill her without doing any harm to me. Karla told them that I had left for class already. So when I came out of my room and saw what happened they knew they had to kill me too. 

They were just a stupid gang bent on revenge. I want to kill Karla's dad. Now were all gonna pay for what he did. 

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