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2 weeks later

I've been here for 2 whole weeks now. My leg fully healed after he had his own personal nurse check up on me. I only see Trevor when he brings me food. Other than that he hasn't done anything else. I stay in my little room with nothing but a mattress. 

The thing is, I've come up with some type of escape plan. I just have to get to his room. 

He brings in my lunch and leaves quickly. Almost like I'm nothing but an inconvenience. I watch him leave and then walk into the hallway. I make my way to his room, shut the door behind me, and then I take action. 

My heart hammers in my chest as I grab a lamp from the nightstand. I open the door and stare out into the hallway. I don't see anybody yet. I take a step in the hall and make my way to the office he showed me the video in. I try the knob but the door is locked, shit. I travel farther down and open a random door. Inside is a set of security monitors. I can see the entire institute from here. Why the hell was the office locked but not this room? 

Carefully I place the lamp down and close the door. That bastard has cameras everywhere. On the bottom floor I see an exit sign. I have to head down two flights of stairs and turn a sharp corner and it should be right there. I grab the lamp and slowly open up the door, peeking into the hallway. All clear. Back in the hallway I find the stairs and make my way down. My head turns when I hear voices speaking just below me. 

Crap! I can't just walk right into them! Then I hear them walking up the stairs and towards me. Panic sets in and dropping the lamp, I run up the stairs. 

Voices shouting, footsteps thudding. There gonna catch me! I run faster finally getting onto solid ground. I'll be trapped on the roof so I duck into a corner. I hold my breathe as they run past. 

Once there gone I rush back downstairs quietly. I have to get out! Once he finds out....

I shudder at the thought. I can't be here to find out once he does.

Now on the bottom floor I turn a corner and there it is, my escape. My heart pounding I push the door and break into a run. I'm in some type of big city. I have no idea where but as long as I keep running I should be alright. I turn my head around for a moment but instantly regret it. Two men are running after me and they are fast. I pick up my pace but I don't notice the water in front of me. Once I do it's too late. I run straight over the edge and plunge into the ice cold water. My breathe knocked out of me. 

I can't swim! I try to doggy paddle to keep myself afloat but I'm struggling. My head goes under. I can't die like this! Water feels my mouth. My lungs on fire I make one last attempt at swimming but my hand doesn't even reach the surface. My strength gives out and I slowly float down. 

Last thing I feel before I pass out is a strong pair of hands wrap around my waist. Who?


 I wake up in a haze. My mind goes blank. The cold cement floor helps, reminding me where I am. My panic rises. I didn't escape? I blame myself for being so naive. Karla wouldn't have wanted this for me. What have I gotten myself into?

How am I supposed to get out of here? What are they planning to do?

I'm so cold. I soon realize that my entire body is wet. What happened? Trying to jog my memory I think back to what happened when I was running. 

Right, I fell into the goddam ocean. I thought I died, wait, maybe I am dead. I pinch my arm softly. Nope still alive. 

I hear someone open the door and walk in but it's too dark to see who. I assume it's Trevor. What's he going to do? 

"You messed up darling, big time" I finally hear him say.

"You can't keep me here forever" I mumble.

"What was that?" he asks, with a hint of amusement.

I shake my head and stay silent. I already know he heard me. He just wants me to get myself into more trouble. I'm not going to obey him, not anymore. I'm going to give him hell, even if it gets me killed. I know it's not smart but I won't just give in to him. I'm going to put up a fight. He's gonna wish he never kidnapped me. 

I push back my fear and stand up. I sway a little but manage to stay standing. I walk over to him and push him back.

"You're a fucking monster and I'm not listening to you anymore."

He turns on the light and I see his grey eyes looking at me. His mouth in a slight smirk. 

"Such a pathetic little thing. If only you could see yourself" He says, grabbing my wrist.

I tug away but his grasp stay firm. His hands rough on my soft skin. 

"I'm not pathetic, I'm stronger then you'll ever be" I seethe.

Yanking my wrist, he pulls me toward him. Chest to chest I can feel his heart beat. It's shocking, I didn't think he had one. 

"Your gonna pay for what you did" He tells me.

His mouth gets closer to mine while I struggle to get away. How dare he! His lips touch mine, hungrily. His tongue pushes past my teeth and I bite down, hard. Roughly he pushes me onto the ground.


"Don't touch me asshole!" I respond, glaring directly at him.

He pulls me up by my hair and boy does it hurt. He raises his hand, by instinct I close my eyes and shudder away, waiting for the sharp pain. Flashbacks of someone else doing the same fills my mind.

I open my eyes and he's looking at me, curiously. Then he starts laughing. I frown, what? Why didn't he hit me? Instead he lets go and I fall to my knees.

He unbuckles his pants. I back away in horror, I will not do that. 

'Your going to pleasure me or I'll do much worse."

"You're pure evil" I say, disgusted.

He smirks and yanks me closer to him. Forcing me to help him relieve himself. I'm tempted to bite down but for some reason I don't. He keeps pulling on my head, fastening his pace. 

"Fuck...!" I gag, breathless.

Then he lets go of everything and I crawl away. It's everywhere. 

"Are you sure you haven't done this before? You're surprisingly good at it." He says, smirking cruelly.

"Fuck you" I croak, my throat sore.

He laughs one more time and leaves the room. I'm all alone again. All hope was driven out of me after my failed escape attempt. What do I do? 

I'm trembling from head to toe. It's so cold in here. Once I get out, and I will, I'll kill that horrid man with my own hands. I'll make him suffer, he'll feel all my pain, all of it. I just have to get out. I don't know how but I will. Eventually.....I will.

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