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2 days later

I didn't ask him what I planned on asking when I got to the school but something else came up. His family is in town for Thanksgiving and he asked if my dad and I wanted to join them. I told him yes and so here we are. I haven't seen him since then but here I am at his door. My dad rings the bell and were greeted with a women somewhere in her 70's smiling at me. A man comes up behind her and shakes my dad's hand. I smile and we head in. The house is fully decorated and it's beautiful. 

Finally I see Maxim and my smile brightens

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Finally I see Maxim and my smile brightens. He's in a simple button up and his hair isn't as slicked back as normal. He looks very handsome.

"My mother's an interior designer and insisted on helping me decorate."

Maxim must have seen the surprise on my face. I nod and he motions towards the couch. I reluctantly sit down, a little uncomfortable. How much do professors make? This place isn't just beautiful it's huge. Even the house I grew up in was at least half this size. 

My dad sits next to me and they start talking about the fireplace. Of all things, why the fireplace?

Then a man around the woman's age comes in. That must be Maxim's dad, Mr. Myers. 

"I'm George Myers" He says sticking out his hand.

I shake it and then my dad does. He sits down by his wife and they continue on the same subject.

I smile and since I know nothing about fireplaces I sit in silence. Finally, Maxim asks me something I do know. 

"Are you planning to do the winter talent show in December?"

I nod and explain what I'm planning on doing. 

"A winter theme song isn't necessary and since I don't wanna do a Christmas one I'm just going to sing something slow" I tell everybody. 

I don't know what to sing exactly but I have some ideas. I'm thinking maybe "Welcome to Wonderland", "Lovely" or, "What was I Made For?" 

"Your a singer?" His mom asks.

"Yes, Ma' me."

She smiles and starts talking about a friend she had that loved music. Now this is a topic I could talk about for hours.

We talk for a while before the oven goes off and I help her make plates. Then we sit around the table and I look up. Do they pray or should I just start eating. Nobody's eating yet, I'll wait. I'm not the most religious. Me and my dad only pray every one in a while but we are Christians. 

After a moment of silence everybody digs in. I look at my dad for an answer but he looks at me confused. 

"We each do separate prayers in silence" Maxim whispers in my ear. 

That makes more sense. I quickly pray and dig in. It's delicious! The ham is perfectly cooked and juicy. Everything is perfect. If Maxim can cook as good as this then I'll have to come over more often. However, I feel a little out of place. The way me and my dad live is nothing compared to this. When I was younger microwave meals were the way to go. Without a mom in the house I had to learn to do many things on my own.

We make small table chat and then me and my dad say goodbye. 

"Thank you for having us" My dad says, shaking George's hand. 

"Anytime, it's been a pleasure."

I look at Maxim and wonder if he knows, knows how I feel. The look in his eyes gives away nothing. He shakes my hand and then my dad and I leave. 

Once home I crawl into my bed and close my eyes, I'm exhausted.


I bolt up screaming, sweat covering my body. Once I realize that I'm home and everything's okay I stops screaming. I'm okay, he can't get me. The details of the nightmare come to me. His hands roaming my body, calling me beautiful. The shame of what I'd done, let him do. Then his hands on my neck, unable to breathe. My screams unheard. 

"Your okay" I whisper, trying to comfort myself.

I hear a knock and it makes me jump.

"You okay kiddo?" 

I breathe a sigh of relief, It's just my dad.

"Yeah, just a nightmare."

"Okay, try to get some more sleep."

"I'll try."

I hear him walk away and I lay back down but my mind won't stop spinning. Those cold grey eyes...


The next day...

I'm sitting in Maxim's office, I had to talk to someone about the nightmare. 

I told him everything, the shame I felt. He listened to every word. His eyes on me I finish my story.

"Charlie, There's something you should know" he says.

"Tell me."

"The trial is going to be next Friday."

I look at him, shocked. Why didn't anybody tell me this sooner!?

"Also, Trevor called me last night, he doesn't want you there."

He doesn't want me there! He has no right to decide what I do! 

"I don't care what he wants!" I say, exploding.

"Are you ready to face him?" His look one of concern.

I nod, I want to see his stupid face when he gets sentenced. He's going to fucking rot in jail.

His hand taps of his desk, almost like he's nervous. Why would he be nervous?

"Charlie, I won two tickets to a Broadway show in New York a week ago and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. I know how much you love Broadway and..."

"Of course!" I interrupt.

He stands up and I hug him. I caught him by surprise but then he relaxes and hugs me back. 

"I hope it'll provide a good distraction."

"When can we go?" I ask, eager.

"Come back tomorrow and we can work something out. For now though, class starts in 10 minutes."

I follow him to class with an extra bounce in my step. I'm going to New York with the man I think I'm in love with. Words can't even explain how happy I am right now! 

Everything's gonna be okay. 

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