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He came in and watched me, smiling. I wanted to smack that stupid smirk off his face. I dry my tears and stand up. I'm starting to think I must be really drunk. What I'm about to do is not smart at all. 

I get closer to him and then hit him as hard as I can. His expression is one of shock and anger. 

Shit, now my hand hurts. Honestly, I doubt I did much damage. His stupid handsome face has no mark of what I just did. The room is silent as his icy grey eyes glare at me. I shouldn't of done that. I glance down at my feet waiting for his explosion. 

"I'm starting to think you don't know your place" He finally says, surprisingly calm.

I look up in shock. How is he so calm? I just punched him, not hard, but nonetheless. 

He grabs my chin and brings my face to his. My heart beats faster. Maybe I actually want him to kiss me. 

No! Stop! You don't want this! I start to pull away but his hands wrap around my waist. Our lips touch, it's soft but hungry. Desire courses through our bodies. As much as I hate him, I love the way he feels. I'll regret this later but I am drunk. Yeah, that's it, I'm not in the right mind set. I lean into the kiss. Letting his hands move across my body, I pull away for a breath. 

"Your stunning Charlie" He says, looking into my light green eyes.

I pull him back towards me and our lips once again touch. Our tongues intertwining. He tastes like the black cherry wine I've been drinking. This time he pulls away and shakes his head.

"What?" I ask.

"Not here, let's go back home" His voice husky and breathless.

Home, is that horrible place my home? Lust in his eyes he grabs my hand and leads me out. We get in the limo but this time there's no wine. After the long drive back we arrive at the large building, my so called home. 

I stumble out and follow Trevor in and upstairs. I stop outside his room. He looks back and mumbles something, grabbing my arm, pulling me inside, shutting the door behind him. I look into his eyes, those cruel eyes. I don't want this. Why did I kiss him back at the club? Then he kisses me, hard. I forget my concern. Why does a man that's done me so much pain make me feel so good. He unzips the back of my dress and it slowly falls to the ground. His shirt comes off. Still kissing we circle around and he pushes me on the bed. My head dizzy with desire. I ignore the fact that I'm about to willingly have sex with my kidnapper. 

His lips trail down my neck, a moan passing my lips.

"Charlie" He whispers my name.

I feel him enter quickly. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt, it feels good. No, not good, amazing. My hips lift to match his.  He leans down and kisses me passionately. I kiss back messily. What am I doing?


The morning light comes in through the window, blinding me. I reluctantly open my eyes. I have a killer headache! 

Then I realize where I'm at. Fuck, this isn't good. I didn't do what I think I did. Did I? I look over and see the sleeping man next to me. Shit, this is really bad. I sit up and do the only thing I know to do. 

I step out of the covers and put my clothes back on. The dress feels wrong on my now sober body. I use the restroom and then walk towards my cramped room. I lay down on the bed and the embarrassment floods through me. Why? Why didn't I stop myself? I couldn't of been that drunk. The events of last night running through my head. The shame causing me to remember the night Karla died, that terrible night. 

One moment I'm on the bed thinking but now I'm sitting up crying, sobbing. What was I thinking!? With Karla and now Trevor. He killed her! I'm so goddamn stupid! I wish he would've just killed me to!

I hear someone come in but ignore them for now. Until, I hear the question he asks. 

"I'm sorry Charlie."

I look up with tear soaked skin, it's Trevor. What? He did this to me. Why is he sorry?

"Charlie...I....Maxim finally came for you."

My brain doesn't register what he says until I hear someone yelling. It's his voice. 

"Myers!" I yell, bolting up.

Trevor grabs my arm and moves his finger to his lips. I whisper a soft please but he ignores me. I start to speak again but in a second he pushes me against the wall and puts his hand over my mouth. 

"If you don't want me to shoot your precious professor than you better keep your fucking mouth shut" He growls.

I nod, scared for his life. He won't kill his own brother will he? I hear someone opening doors and then our door opens. 

It's him, it's really him. Maxim Myers, my History professor, my savior. Trevor suddenly pulls out a gun and points it at my head, smiling.

"Max, if you move, at all, I'll blow her brains out."

He stops and looks at me, concerned. I stay still. Is he gonna do it. He always said he wouldn't kill me. I doubt he meant that. He's already gotten what he wants.

"Trevor, let the girl go" Maxim says, not moving.

Trevor laughs and presses the gun harder into my head. The metal starting to hurt me. Still, I'm to scared to move. I have to do something or he'll kill both of us. I see that Myers has a gun in his hand. I have a plan.

"Trevor, let me do one last thing for you" I say, pushing the shame out of my head.

He smiles and nods. Before I do what I had planned he pulls me to his chest and kisses me, roughly. You have to trust me Myers, please. I can only imagine his expression. I break the kiss and get down on my knees. I unzip his pants and put one hand behind my back. I try to signal a gun and then I do what needs to be done. I look up, Trevor's expression is one of pleasure. Then I hear a gunshot and the man before me falls. I spit out the taste and stand up, shaky. 

Myers rushes over and I fall into his arms. I'm saved.

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