Ground Rules

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I touch my mouth lightly remembering what it felt like to kiss him.

It was magical...

No, more than magical...

It was enchanting. The way my breath was taken from me. The breathless desire alighting something within me. 

After we kissed I left because I had a couple more classes that day. He said to come by afterwards and we could talk more. It's been 3 hours and the butterflies still haven't died down. 

I walk to his office, my smile bright. He loves me too.

"Professor Myers?" I ask, knocking on his door.

I hear someone rustling about and then he opens the door.

"Sorry it's a little messy."

I laugh and sit down in the chair across from him.

"Isn't it always?"

He smiles, shuts the door, and sits in his own chair turning to face me. 

"I want to be with you but I know we should probably keep it on the low" I tell him.

He nods and pushes a piece of paper towards me. I look at it and then back up at him.

"What's this for?"

"Ground rules. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to" Maxim replies.

I pick up a pen but can't think of anything to write. I want him to do everything to me. 

"I don't have any."

"Please, just put a couple things."

I frown and write down something stupid. 

Then he turns it around and writes his own condition. Then I write one more thing and we have some boundaries.

1. We have to go on three dates before anything else happens. Get to know each other.

2. For now only talk to each other in private.

3. Promise to love one another, no matter what.

I know the last ones a little much but I need the comfort. He looks it over and I see compassion fill his eyes. He knows why I had to put it. Then he signs the bottom and hands it over to me. I do the same and then he places it into his desk drawer. 

"Can we go to your place? I can finally try your amazing cooking" I ask, hoping he'll agree.

He looks at me for a while before clearing his throat. Is he nervous?

"Don't you think it's a little soon."

"Nothing has to happen I just want to know if your as good as you say you are."

He sighs and nods. 

"Can we go now?"


I nod and stand up, grabbing my bag. 


He stand up and grabs his car keys. I walk out and he locks the door behind me. 

"Lets go" he says.


The inside is just as gorgeous as it was the first time I was here. Except for the fact that my dad's not here and it's just me and Maxim. 

"What do you want to eat?" he asks once were fully inside.

"Surprise me."

He heads to the kitchen and I sit down on the couch. I'm alone with him. The man that's been driving me crazy for weeks. 

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