chapter 7

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Draco POV


We arrived at the Hogwarts express and I didn't see Harry there yet. I got on the train and I found Pansy and Blaise still trying to find a free compartment. Then I saw the Weasley's arrive but no Harry and Ron, but I saw Granger. "Hey guys I'm going to be back in a second." "Where are you going?" Pansy questioned me. "Somewhere." Then I left to find Granger. She was by herself in the compartment her and the boys usually sit in. "Hey Granger." She jumped a bit. "Sorry, but have you seen Harry or Weaslebee anywhere?" "No I haven't." We both gave each other the same look of concern. About thirty minutes later a car was up in the air but it wasn't no juggle car it was a wizards car. Two boys were in it. Then when I moved closer to the window the door flew open and boy about to fall out. Harry! I ran out of the compartment and ran to Granger's. She looked furious but also very concerned. "What are they doing!" I asked her. "I don't know but I swear they are going to get themselves killed one day! Either by something stupid they do or by me!" Weasley was right she can be scary sometimes. "Why are they like this again?" I asked her.."I've been questioning myself that ever since I met them. But! Harry might fall!" We both looked out the window. I was so close in just using magic right there and then, but then Weasley got him back in the car. 'I will murder Weasley next time I see him' "Draco are you okay? You look-" I looked at her. She looked a bit scared. Then I realized... The look o was giving her. "Sorry Granger. Yea I'm ok. Thanks for asking though." She just nodded. Then her eyebrows went up. "What?" She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. "What Granger, what?"  "They could be expelled!" 'At this point I'd actually murder both of them!' "No that can't happen!" She looked at me weirdly. Then her eyebrows shot up once again. "You guys are dating aren't you!" "What! No?" Use could tell I was lying by not making eye contact with her. "Does anyone else know?" "Pansy and Blaise know... but please don't tell anyone else. Not even Wealsey!" "Ok! Ok! I won't tell anyone!" I looked her up and down to see if any part of her was lying but it look like she was telling the truth.


Hermione POV

I would have never thought that Harry would be dating Draco! I wonder how long they have been dating for. I don't know but I don't want to think to much about It, but on the other hand. I will murder them for being so stupid! Taking a magic car! and FLYING it to Hogwarts! They are out of their bloody minds!


When Harry and Ron arrived in the common room they stopped as soon as they saw me. "Hermione! Hey how are you-" "Don't start that! You guys could've died today! Me and Malfoy saw you both in the car! And we both saw Harry almost fall out!" I said loud enough so only they can hear me. "Well... We have an explanation... You see the barrier closed before me and Harry could get through and well... We decided to take the car." "So you couldn't wait for your parents!" "Uh we didn't think of that..." "Jeez! You guys are so oblivious!" Ron and Harry left to go to bed, but I stopped Harry. "What Hermione I'm really tired please." "I'm just curious on something." "What?" "So today... I found out you and Draco are dating." I made sure to say as low as possible, but he heard me. "How?" "I just did and I was wondering. How long habe you guys been together for?" He looked down at his shoes. "Since beginning of last year."


During breakfast the next morning, it didn't seem like anyone knew about the car incident, but I did notice Draco staring at Harry. A Lot! Once breakfast ended we all went to tranfiguration class.


Harry POV

"Your insane Harry!" He quietly yelled at me. "I'm sorry okay! Me and Ron got stuck at the barrier-" "You could've died! And Wait you got stuck at the barrier? How?" "If you let me finish. The barrier closed before me and Ron could get through and-" "Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy please stop talking or you will get detention." We both nodded at her. After class ended I didn't go to lunch instead I went to the common room and chilled there until lunch ended. After it ended I went outside were most kids were. It was sunny and nice out I would understand why. I walked over to Hermione and Ron, but once I got there I realized the others were there to. "Hey Harry!" Hermione looked at me. "Hey guys. What are you doing?" "Just chatting about mate. Where were you?" "Just in the common room." And I sat down next to Ron. We were talking for a while since classes had ended today, but I noticed Draco kept staring at me. 


Pansy POV

I noticed potter was skinny... Like BAD skinny not NORMAL skinny. He also looked a little bit pale as if he could pass out at any time. I saw that if he was to get hit by a buldger at any moment it could snap him in half. I whispered to Blaise. "Hey does Potter look any good to you?" He responded back quickly. "I thought I was the only one who noticed that." Thank god no one else heard us. We went back to our common rooms. "Hey Dray?" "Yea Pan's?" "Um Have you talked Potter at all today?" "For a second in class why?" "Well me and Blaise both noticed how pale and skinny he looked..." "I tired having this conversation with him already but I don't think he likes talking about it. I understand why because its something people don't like talking about but... this is serious and I don't think he wants to realize that..."  "Maybe you can try and maybe eat with him? Try and make him feel better?" "I don't know... but I can try I guess." "Ok then..." I stopped speaking trying to think. Looking but up at him but I think he was thinking to.


OK Y'ALL I'M SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!!!  I will try and make it up RIGHT NOW ALONG ok soooo there might be two to four updated today! I have also been REALLY busy with stuff so I hope these will make up for! -Coraline<3

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