Chapter 25

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Y'all I pulled an all nighter yesterday *BIG AHH SIGH* but here's the next chapter! :)

Draco POV

After dinner I saw Harry. He looked rather annoyed and furious. Why? That's when I feel something on my back. "What the!-" I turn to see who it is. Who's this? Platinum hair like mine, blue eyes, and in Ravenclaw? Hm. "Sorry about that. I probably was not looking where I was going." She said as she stood back up and brushed off her clothes. What a second... is that Luna? "Whatever watch where you're going next time." I said annoyed. Her father had done something to my father when we were younger, I don't remember what it was about though.

The next day at lunch I looked up at the Gryffindor table. Harry wasn't there. Weird? I saw Hermione and Weasley. I quickly finished my food and left. I bumped into someone which made us both knock to the ground. "I'm so sorry Draco! Are you okay?" Zian? "Uh, yea I'm fine. I just need to go.-"  I got cut off. "Oh okay. But do you think we could talk later?" I nodded in response and started to head back to where I think Harry might be. Umbridge's office.

I knock on the classroom door. No answer. I walk in. No one in there. Her door is closed. I knock on her door to her office. "Come in!" I walk in trying to keep my head up. Everything is all pink. Ew. I look around and immediately I see a raven haired boy with round glasses. Harry. How did he manage to get into trouble on the first back?

I thought of an quick excuse. "Professor, Dumbledore has asked me to get Harry for him. He said he wanted to see him asap." Harry looked up at me with a confused expression on his face. Why? "Are you sure?" Merlin's is this bitch really that dumb? "Yes." Will she just let him go now? "Alright then! Harry you can go now! But remember, you must not tell lies!" She smiled happily. What does she mean by that. I looked at Harry again, his eyes were wide. "Yes, professor." He said quickly and quietly. Then he got up and quickly came towards me with his eyes glued to the ground.

"Hey what's wrong?" I say as we left the classroom. "Nothing." He said with his eyes still glued to the ground. That's it. I dragged him by the arm and brought him into one of the deserted boy bathrooms. "Harry. You know you can talk to me right?" He finally looked up at me. Then opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly. "Harry." I said softly and quietly as I put my hand on his shoulder. "It's nothing!" He snapped at me. Then he took a step further. "Just please." "Please what Harry?" I yelled.
"Just please give me some time!" "Time for what?!" "Draco please. Can we not do this now?" "What? Don't even say that you were the one who started yelling." I took a step closer and brought my face closer to his. "What are you going to try pushing this away just like you push everything away?" I said as I huffed in his face.  "Draco I'm not trying to do that!" "Yes you are!  You're Harry Potter! The boy who pushes all his problems away!" I stepped back making a little gap between us. "I just don't want to talk right now alright Draco?" His voice becoming calmer. Then he stormed out of the bathroom.

What a prick! I was trying to be nice to him! I was trying to act like his boyfriend! His partner and help him out! But no he had another idea and decided to snap at me! Me!


Alright! So that's this chapter! I know it's short but I just though of whatever that came up in my head :).  I am so tired but Happy Easter guys! Hope you guys have a good day! Mesh love you my ferrets! <3

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