Chapter 15

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So its Caroline again! I hope you guys at least liked Arella's and J's part. I know you totally like me writing better and as you all know ima change shit up

Harry POV


"Blimey dad! How far up are we!" Ron complained. "Well put it this way! Its it rains! You'll be the first to know!" I turned around to see who it was. Lucius and Draco. "Father and I are in the Ministers box! By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" "Dont... yourself Draco!" I couldn't hear what he said. "There's no need with these people." He snarled. We turned to walk away, but as we did so he put his cane on my foot. "Do! Joy yourself won't you? While you can." Then he took the cane out of my shoe. I looked at Draco who gave me a 'sorry' look. As we made it to where we were supposed to go. Everyone was cheering. With red, black, white and green balloons going up in the sky. "Come on now! Take your seat! I told you these seat would be worth waiting for!" Mr. Weasley yelled. Then the Irish flew over our heads. 


As it finished we were heading back to our tent. Just then I felt a arm pull me aside where no one was. "What th-" I was cut off by lips on mine but I recognized the hair and kissed him back. "Does your father know your gone?" "Don't worry about him. How was your summer?" "Its brilliant now. How about you? How was yours?" "Brilliant because I'm with you." He smiled and kissed me again. He put his hands on my neck as I did with mine. We were hanging with each other for about 5 minutes until someone came and interrupted us. Lucius. "Draco!" He sounded and looks furious. "Father! I can explain!" Instead he passed him and ran to me. "What do you think your doing to my son Potter! Next time I see you and him together. You will go and join your parents!" I nodded in response to scared to speak. He took a step back and I ran without looking back. I was also scared for Draco. As I came back my heart was racing. "Harry where have you been?!" Hermione looked me in the eyes. "You should be lucky Mr. Weasley didn't notice!" "I was with Draco... And..." I didn't finish and Fred and George came. "Harry mate you 'ight?" I nodded still a bit scared to speak. They left and continued doing their chant. "What happened?" "Draco's father caught us together..." I said quietly that she was the only one who heard it. "What!" She yelled. Everyone looked at her then continued doing what they were doing. "How?!" "I don't know I guess he didn't k or if Draco was gone then went looking for him then found him with me." "Well then we best hope he will be okay... Okay Harry?" "Yea" Then We heard Mr. Weasley come in and tell us to run. We went outside to everyone already running. We all ran as well but then I fell and knocked out. I woke up to someone shaking me awake. "Harry! Harry come one wake up! Please! Harry! Come on!" Is what I heard before getting up. "Are you okay?" My vision was blurry but my glasses were on? "What?" "Come on get up!" Then I heard a loud ringing blocking out all the noise. I couldn't hear anything else bit ringing. "What?" I got up and the person grabbed me by the arm and ran. As my vision was becoming more clear I saw a skull in the sky. I do never paid attention to who was dragging me with them but once I finally looked they were gone. And I heard Hermione. "Thank you for finding him!" "At least he's fine." "Again thank you so much." I still never saw who it was. "Are you okay Harry?!" Then she also dragged me by the arm to where the others were. "Harry!" Mr. Weasley came in putting his hand on my shoulder.


So ima leave it off here. I know random place to leave it off but I also wanted to say that I was supposed to finish 3rd year in chapter ten💀 But I didnt!😭😭 so NOW here's fourth year. Even though 4th year was supposed to end on this chapter BUT I GUESS IM TO LATE FOR THAT! but that's all :)- Caroline <3

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