Chapter 10

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Draco POV


"Draco, honey you seem so happy today why?" "Uh nothing mum." I sighed then smiled again. "Just make sure your father doesn't notice. Okay Draco." "Okay mum." The I stopped smiling, but I couldn't help but stop thinking about when I kissed Harry on the cheek yesterday night. When I got back to the Manor I made to sure to hide all of my happiness from him. "Ah Draco. How was school this year?" "It was fine father." "Ok then you can go to your room." "Okay father." As I went to my room I bumped into Deki the house elf. "Sorry young master! My apologize!" I almost said sorry but then remembered. "Stupid elf! Jeez get out of the way! Then I kicked him out of the way. 'I felt really bad' Man how bad I wish I could apologize to Deki.  I went to my room and plopped myself on my bed.


We only have a month left until we go back to Hogwarts and ever since Weasley said something about the gel I stopped using it. To be honest I don't k ie what to with my hair, so I just put bangs in front of my face. Pansy and Blaise came by a couple of times, but it was a couple like once or twice. Pansy was shocked to see me since I grew and she basically stayed the same height. Me and Blaise laughed at her for that but she ended up hitting us in the arm and the back of the head. Man I can wait to see Harry next year.

Harry POV

As I got home I had to do my chores immediately. I didn't do it in time so he beat me. Once he left I was crying on my floor with blood stains on the floor. I got up went onto my bed. Dudley's friend made fun of me while Dudley just laughed.


After a month coming back from Hogwarts I grew a bit and I cut my hair. Since my aunt nor uncle would take me to get it cut so I cut it by myself. I tried the 'Lumos' spell a couple of times it worked pretty easily and "Boy! Get down here!" "Coming!" "By the way uncle Vernon I was wondering if you could sign this form its for a school trip." "If you behave. Aunt Marge is coming! So you better not do any sort of magic!" "Yes uncle Vernon." When she was talking shot about my parents her whole body blew up like balloon. Then I ran upstairs and packed my stuff. Then I ran away. Then a night bus had come na clicked me up but before that I thought I saw a dog or a wolf it black so it was kind of hard to see. I entered the night bus and got to my destination. I entered the building and met the minister. He gave me books for this school year and Hedwig had arrived. The Next morning I had troubles with a book but I got that over with. I went downstairs and saw Hermione and Ron fighting about Crookshanks Scabbers. We all greeted each other but when I was about to sit down to eat Mr. Weasley pulled me to the side. He told me not to go looking for the man 'Sirius Black' Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?  


As we got to the Hogwarts Express I caught Draco's eye I gave him a small smile and he smiled back. We got on the train and told Hermione and Ron I was going to be back. Hermione knew exactly what I was going to do. I met Draco in a empty compartment. "Wow you definitely grew Harry and looked more fine looking." He said while looking in my eyes. "You too Draco and I see you left the gel alone?" "Yea Weasley was right I should've stop using it so we first year." "I don't care you looked fine either way." He laughed. "What?" "Nothing yours just... you." And he looked me back in the eyes. I like the way you look Scarhead." He said with a smile. "I like the way you look too uhh I can't think of a name." He laughed again this time I joined in. "That's okay." 


OK! DONE! I'M SO TIRED! I HAVEN'T SLEPT IN DAYSSSSS! So maybe a update tomorrow but most likely! So bye bye! And left hope the updates next time are ponder and thank you for 40 views! 'It may not be a lot off you but its a lot for me! MWAH LUV YALL- Caroline ≤3

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