Chapter 14

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its Arella and I'ma try my best because J gave up and Caroline doesn't want to write this chapter👍

Harry's pov


I went back to the common room and went to bed. a the next morning I woke up to everyone still asleep. I got up and to ready. I went down to get breakfast Drawback and his friends were already there. I sat next to Ginny who was talking to Luna. "Hey guys" "Hi Harry" Luna said calmly. "What are you guys talking about?" "Nothing just the  quidditch match tomorrow" "Right"  I sighed I looked up at the slytherin table and smiled and Draco who smiled back.

'Fucking time skip cause yea. so its the next day during the quidditch match.'

I went after the snitch and the other seeker got spray her down. I still tried to get it bit the it got captured by a umbrella. I went up after realizing there was a dementor behind me the broom started to have ice on it and my face starter getting cut by the ice falling towards my face. A dementor popped up in front of me and did what it did to me on the train and I heard the voice again. 


Draco's pov

I saw Harry falling from the sky. That had to be at least 1000ft or more of him falling from the sky. Dumbledore was furious to find out there were dementor's on the school grounds. I saw Harry during dinner with scratches on his face. After dinner I went up to Harry. "Are you okay?" "Yea I'm fine now" "That's good"


Not even a day later Harry almost gets killed by a werewolf! And one of them being Sirius Black. He woke up the next day all scratched up as well as Granger. Weaslebee woke up in the hospital wing with his foot all bloodied up. I went to try and find him but I couldn't. I checked the great hall again and he was their. I sat down to where Pansy and Blaise were. Harry and my back were facing each other. I wanted to have the urge to turn around and ask if he was okay and give him a big hug. But everyone would figure it out or think something's happening between us. But I can't wait too long. We only have two days left. 


We are on our last day for this year and I still haven't talked to Harry. When we got on the train I saw it was only Harry and Granger in the compartment. "Hey.. Can I borrow you for a second?" He looked up at me and nodded. We went to a empty compartment. "Hey are you okay after everything?" He shrugged both his shoulders. "Oh Harry" I grabbed him into a hug and he hugged me back tightly. I out my fingers through his hair as he put his head on my shoulder. "Well you don't need to worry anymore okay? He's safe now. He's not going to be sent to the dementors or anything. Alright?" I felt his head move up and down. I waited for him to pull out of the hug and once he did I kissed his forehead. "You excited fore the  quidditch world cup?" "I don't even know if I'm going" "Okay well if you're not then see you next year Harry" "Okay then see you next year Draco. Or the world cup" I nodded and we both went back to our compartments. I sat down on the other side of Pansy and Blaise. They were sitting next to each other. "Where were you?" Pansy asked me. "Nowhere" "Just leave it Pan's" Blaise said softly to Pansy.  "Fine."


So that was I guess me writing then J. So its short I k ow I was meant to post this at 2am but I forgot to so I slay for that but I guess bye?- J

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