Chapter 18

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So none of us can sleep since it is the weekend✌😘 *I'm so quirky I know* Anyways so the three of us wanted to write our own parts in this chapter. So yeaaaa and its going to say who's writing it. And ofc we're changing it.- Caroline <3


Draco POV


I jumped off the tree. "Me and my father have a bet you see!" I said to Harry who was already annoyed. " I don't think you will last ten minutes! But my father disagrees! He doesn't think you will last five!" "I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy!" He pushed me. Then professor Missy came in. "Oh no you don't!" He turned me into a ferret. Everyone was laughing. But Harry... He laughed at me too... Then he put me in Crabbe's trousers! Then professor McGonnogall came and turned me back. "My father will hear about this!" Then he chased me around the tree. I met with Harry after the incident. "Hey!" "Hey Draco." "Don't 'Hey Draco' me!" "What?" "Why'd you laugh like everyone else! Do you know how embarrassing that was!" "I wasn't actually laughing! I was faking it!" "It sure sounded real!" "I swear I wasn't laughing okay!" "You swear!" "I swear." He said seriously. "But it was kind of funny." He said quickly. "Oh my god! You wanna see something funny?" "What?" I started tickling him. "Hey!" He tried speaking but he was laughing to much. Then I stopped so he can catch a breath. "You said funny!" "That was funny! For me at least!" Then I laughed.


Today was the first task. The professor's escorted everyone to a field. Everyone sat down all excited or they were just chatting with their friends guessing what it was going to be. Granger and Weasley sat down next to me, Pansy and Blaise. Then i was stuck between Granger and Pansy. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting a row behind us. "Do you know what it is Draco?" Pansy and Blaise asked me. "No do you?" They shook their heads. I think they all saw the horror in my eyes and face. "Granger do you know what its going to be?" "Um..." She hesitated. "What?" "Well their fighting dragons..." "What!" I said loud enough so only her and Pansy could hear me. "What?" Pansy came into the conversation. "Their going to fight dragons..." We looked out into the the stand where Dumbledores was about to speak. But as he was about to the canon went off and Diggory came out.


It was now Harry's turn. As I was watching him my heart was racing like crazy. I would hope he would be okay after this. After watching the other's compete I knew he didn't know what was coming. He looked around. Jesus it felt like my heart would come out or my chest at any moment. I felt two hands go on both of my hands. Hermione and Pansy. They both held my hands to try and calm me down. I held onto their hands tightly. He heard Harry call for his broom. Bloody genius. We waited for him to come back. It was loud everyone was wondering where he was. " Is he okay?" I turned and asked Pansy. Then I turned to my left. "Where is he?" Herm- Granger looked at me. "Draco please calm down. He will be alright okay?" I tried to until everyone gasped. I saw Harry coming in on his broom.



I could hear all kinds of cheering coming from the Gryffindor common room. The. I saw Granger leave. "Hey! Granger!" She turned to look at me. "Yea?" "Can you get Harry for me?" "Uh I don't really know if he can right now." "Can you ask?" "Fine. Bit if he's says no then I'm not doing anything else. You got it?" I nodded in response. I waited for a few minutes until she came back. "He'll come in a bit." "Thank you Granger." "Your welcome. And its Hermione." "Okay Hermione." After she left I waited for Harry to come out. "Hey Draco!" I turned around knowing exactly who it was. "Sooo how was the first task for you?" "It was nothing I expected! Did you see how close I was to dying! It was on my tail the entire time!" Jeez its not like it was watching you fly away on your broom and chasing yoo. "At least you're alright." I grabbed his face and smashed out lips together. The kisses were wet and passionate. We were like that until we pulled apart for air.

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