Chapter 9

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Harry POV


After we flew out to save Ginny, I noticed every time I looked at her she would quickly look away as if it was Draco looking at me in first year. "Thank you Harry. favor saving me..." "Anytime Ginny, just as long as your alright. Ok?" "Okay Harry!" "And Ginny?" "Yes Harry?" "Please don't get into trouble again..." "Okay Harry! I promise." "I was starting to walk away when I bumped into Draco. " Hey!" "Hey Draco." "Don't 'Hey Draco' me!" He grabbed me by my arm and dragged me to an empty corridor. "Again!" He yelled at me with tears in his eyes. "You could've died Harry! Please stop! I don't want to loose you!" Then a tear went down his cheek. "Draco I'm not sorry but I had to help him and you know that..." He grabbed both my hands, then looked me in the eyes. "Harry..." I didn't say anything because then I knew he would shut me up so I let him speak.  "You know I like you a lot right?" "Yea?"  He continued to look in my eyes, then he looked down. "What's wrong Draco?" He sniffled. "It's just that whenever I find out you got into trouble I'm scared that one day I will lose you... and I don't want to lose you..." Then he looked me back up into he eyes, and sighed. Then I felt a tingle on my cheek, I was blushing with wide eyes. "Sorry... I shouldn't have done tha-" 


Harry POV

"Its fine Draco." "No I don't know why I did it..." "Really Draco Its fine I didn't mind it." "Really?" "Yea its okay." Then He wrapped his arms around MT back and put his head on my shoulder. *PUT YOUR HEAD ON MY SHOULDER HOLD ME IN YOUR ARMS! wrong time again? sorry* He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. "I'm sorry for scaring you Draco..." I heard a mumble but didn't bother asking what he said and just relaxed for a bit with him in my arms and me in his arms. Then we heard footsteps. "Harry?" Ron yelled. "Its Ron! Uh.... No Draco! No muggle borns died!" He followed along pretty quickly. "What about Granger!" Ron came in and said. "No Malfoy she's just in the hospital wing! Jeez Maybe all that upheld in your hair is going inside your brain!" He looked hurt from what he said. "Calm down Weasley I was asking if anyone died! Not if your fa-" He stopped himself before saying anything else. "Were you going to say something about family?!" "No! I wasn't Weasley!" Ron got furious p, but he didn't actually say anything about his family right? "Ron calm down he never actually said anything about your family did he?!" "Well technically... fine sorry Malfoy..." "Whatever Weasley I'm going to bed. See you guys next year." He looked me in the eyes with a 'bye' look. I did a small wave before Ron could see.


Ok so I didn't have plans for the end of second year. BUT! I have plans for THIRD YEARRR!!! So make sure to be prepared>:) Also me and my friend Areola have our birthdays on the same day so go check out her account on TomTom @Arella So yay! And yes I know this is also a short chapter!- Caroline <3

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