Chapter 22

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I also tried something new *again* -C

Third person


The blonde haired boy tried to calm down but didn't know if he was telling the truth.
"Are you sure you didn't kiss him Harry?" The blonde tried sounding calm but failed.
The raven haired boy looked at him confusingly.
"You heard me. Are you sure you didn't kiss him?"
Then the raven hair Boyer stood up as the blonde haired boy mirrored him.
"I told you... He kissed me."

Draco POV

What? Don't look at me like that you mud- muggles! You think I'm supposed to just believe him? Never inthe wizarding world! Maybe in your guys muggle world but never here!
Then I thought for a moment...

I put my hands on Harry's shoulder and took a deep breath. "I'm just glad you told me..."

That means he's honest... Right?

"I'm telling the truth..." Harry said. Before he could say anything else I grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him passionately.

Harry POV


The day of the second task was today. Merlins was I excited. But what has been on my mind was Hermione and Ron. Where were they? "Here Harry. The gillyweed." Neville said coming up from behind me. "What?" He put out his hand. "Take it." I gave him a confusing look but then took it. 

As soon as I got to the towers in the middle of the water Dunvledore said what was going to happen. But what precious things of ours are down there? And where I merlins is Ron and 'Mione?

"You ready boy?" He said as I swallowed the gillyweed. Then before I knee it the canon went off. I didn't go in so Professor Moody pushed me in. It was muffled down in the water but I could hear Neville say. "Oh my god! I've killed Harry Potter!" Then that's when I jumped up in the air. I heated everyone cheering.

Draco POV
*I KNOW ITS HIS POV in one chapter!*

Time is almost up! Where the bloody hell was he? "Draco? Are you alright?" Pansy said as she put her hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at her. "What if he's hurt? What if he can't find it? What if something happened? What if he's lost? What if-" Pansy cut me off. "Hey! He's fine!" Then she hesitated.

What was she thinking of? Her face doesn't say at all!



"Tell me!"

"It's nothing!"

"I know there's something! Tell me please Pansy!"

She then hesitated.


Okay sorry for not posting I really am! But I also don't know how to end this right now! My brain/head is like empty right now. But here is one chapter so far. And I absolutely hate it =) so I might edit it. But thanks for reading.- Arelle &> infinity heart

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