Chapter 23

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Sorry for being MIA for so long I apologize for that but I did try to write so don't hate rn please and thank you. <3 3-26-24

Pansy POV

How can I tell him what it means, but surely he figured it out.
Then I feel my body go crazy. I look up at Draco to see terror written all over his face.
"Pansy! What if he died!" He said as his eyes start to swell up. But before they could fall he quickly wipes them with his sleeve.
"Draco surely he's fine." I say trying not to sound so unsure but failed miserably.

I try to think of something to tell him that everything was okay but I couldn't think as all I could hear was him asking a million questions. Merlins... "Bloody hell Draco please calm down!-" That's when I get cut off by people cheering out of no where and I see Draco stand up rather quickly. I turn to see what it is. Harry laying over a dead body.

Draco POV

Professor Moody grabs Harry right after Dumbledore placed him in one spot. He looked pale, scared, no traumatized... Dirty, his breathing was going crazy. That's when I try to get up and follow them but Pansy pulls me back down by my arm. "Pansy!" I remembered yelling at her trying to let me go and follow them. "No Draco! Someone is going to see and notice you with him!" I looked at her, really wanting to go and follow them but I knew she was right. So I stayed there trying my bloody best to not move as fast as I could and see him.

The next morning Dumbledore announced Cedric's death. I looked at Harry, he was covered in scars now that I can look at him a bit closer. He looked like he hadn't slept since last night, still  looking very pale. But he looks even sadder than how he was before the third task.

It's the day all the other schools are leaving. I gave a big hug to my one friend from the other school. *I forgot the name alr....* Sometimes I wished I went to that school but I'm also glad I don't because then I wouldn't be with Harry.

As they already took off I glanced at the trio, Hermione looked quite sad about it. I mean we all saw the way she looked at him. But she might find someone new. Right?

Officially the last day for this year and I haven't seen Harry since the other schools left. Not until I saw him at the door to Hogwarts. I grabbed him by the arm as I made sure no one saw us. "Hey." He looked shocked. "Draco." I could already hear the hurt in his voice. But before I could say anything else I was held in by his arms around my back. I didn't waste a second to hug him back. "You'll never believe what happened." He said softly but also quietly. "Is it true? You-know-who came back?"  He didn't say anything for a few seconds. I feel his head move up and down. Damn it.

"But Draco really you'll never believe what happened." He said quickly but not too quickly for me not to understand. *Tell me this makes sense* "What?" Then he pulled away from the hug and had a small smile on his face and his beautiful soft lips. Now that's the true happy Harry I wanted to see. "I saw my parents!" I lost my breath as my body went stiff. He what? Is that even possible? How? Can you bring back the dead now? "How?" I asked as one eyebrow raised in confusion. "I don't know but ad I had a spell cast with Vold- You-know-who, it somehow connected and let me see my parents! But that's when Cedric told me to bring his body back." The last part he said quietly. Cedric?

We're leaving Hogwarts now and are now on the train back home. Man I can't wait until next year already...

Harry POV


We're on our way back home. I'm not really excited to go back to the Dursley's. Merlin I could just imagine how many chores they have ready for me.

The train arrives at Platform 9¾. I see Hermione rush her way as soon as she sees her parents and jumps into their arms, and hugs them tightly. Meanwhile I look at Ron who also is giving his parents a big hug. Then I see Draco and the others all go up to their families who are all in one group. I couldn't see much as they all started leaving immediately.

I see my aunt and uncle arrive twenty minutes late. I groan as they just yell at me. Thank merlins they can't go past the barrier.


Hi y'all so that's all I can't think about. And that is actually the most I've written so far. At first I would only write 3-4 sentences then give up so I hope this little but will forgive the long LONG wait.

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