**Chapter 2: Secrets of the Underground**

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(Y/n) still stood in disbelief before Chara when he finally mustered the courage to ask the first question burning on his tongue. "What about Frisk, Chara? Where is she?"

Chara looked thoughtfully to the side as if considering how to answer. "Frisk... Frisk is here but hasn't fallen yet. Their time will come, just like anyone who enters this world."

(Y/n) nodded, even though he didn't fully grasp what Chara meant. He had played enough of "Undertale" to know that this world was about choices and consequences. He wasn't sure if he was asking the right questions, but he had to work with what he knew.

As he continued to wander through the Underground, (y/n) suddenly came across a familiar figure - Flowey, the living flower. (Y/n) paused, unsure how to react. Flowey looked at him with its large eyes and then began to display its typical grin.

"Hehehe! Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower. You're new to the Underground, aren't ya?
Seems you're confused. Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. And that's where I come in. So..."

(Y/n) frowned, his caution was triggered. "I know your tricks, Flowey. You're not exactly the friendliest around."

Flowey chuckled mockingly. "You've got me figured out. But I'm just playing by the rules of this place. It's kill or be killed - that's the question here."

(Y/n) felt uneasy. "I won't play by your rules. I'll find my own way."

Before Flowey could respond, a warm, familiar voice came from the side. "My child, what are you doing here?"

(Y/n) turned around and saw Toriel, the kind goat mother, approaching. He immediately felt reassured as he saw her. Toriel! It's nice to see you, (y/n) thought to himself.

(Y/n) greeted Toriel. "Hey, ma'am."

Toriel smiled gently. "It's always nice to see a new face in the Underground. But be careful around Flowey. He doesn't look as innocent as he seems."

Flowey snorted. "Oh, Toriel, always with the kind words. But you know as well as I do that this world is cruel."

(Y/n) looked between the two as he tried to understand the dynamics. "What should I do?"

Toriel placed a gentle hand on (y/n)'s shoulder. "It's important to know that in this world, there are different paths. You have to decide how you want to act. But don't be fooled by Flowey."

(Y/n) nodded. "Thank you, Toriel. I'll be careful."

While Toriel and Flowey exchanged a few more words, (y/n) glanced over to Chara, who was observing quietly. (Y/n) was aware that he had many more questions, but he wasn't sure if he would get all the answers. Chara seemed mysterious and ready to provide information in small doses.

At least he had an ally in Chara now. Well, it seemed that way, as she helped him here and there, even if he wasn't exactly sure why she was doing that. As he walked through the Underworld, (y/n) couldn't help but ponder just how deep the secrets of this world truly ran.

To be continued...

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