Chapter 9: Hidden Feelings

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(Y/n) continued to traverse Waterfall, while Chara was curious to have a conversation with them. She asked what (Y/n) liked about her, and (Y/n) briefly contemplated before responding, "Your demeanor, the way you carry yourself, I find it enchanting. But your eyes are..."

Chara interrupted, injecting her own thoughts. "Can I guess? Repulsive or the eyes of a demon?"

(Y/n) looked at her, surprised. "No, Chara. I find your eyes beautiful. They have something captivating about them. I could stare into your eyes all day and still find them lovely."

Chara was touched by (Y/n)'s words. She felt her eyes moistening slightly as she tried to hide her emotions. Before she could say anything, Chara suddenly vanished. She retreated to process her feelings.

Somewhere in Chara's mental realm, she cursed at herself. "Stupid idiot, why did you have to say such nice things? You're only making everything more complicated."

Chara felt an inexplicable warmth in her chest. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Could she have developed feelings for (Y/n)? She was confused and overwhelmed by this possibility.

As she sorted through her thoughts, an inner restlessness drove Chara. She wanted to spend more time with (Y/n) to figure out what she truly felt. But at the same time, she feared the potential consequences.

Meanwhile, (Y/n), waiting for Chara, couldn't comprehend why she had suddenly disappeared. They looked around, but she was nowhere in sight. They wondered if they had said something wrong, but they couldn't be sure.

When their gaze returned to Chara, who suddenly reappeared before them, they noticed tears in her eyes. "(Y/n), are you okay?"

Chara struggled to hold back the emerging tears and nodded. "Yes, everything's fine."

(Y/n) was concerned, but they didn't want to press. "If you want to talk, I'm here."

Chara forced a smile onto her lips. "Thank you, (Y/n). You're truly a good friend."

As they continued through Waterfall, both Chara and (Y/n) sensed the tension between them. Emotions that had been brewing beneath the surface threatened to come to light as they ventured forward on their adventure together.

To be continued...

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