Chapter 7: A Night of Revelations

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While (y/n) slept in his hotel room, the silence was filled with thoughts that weren't his own. Chara suddenly found herself able to intrude into his thoughts, learning about his feelings for her. She couldn't help but feel flattered that (y/n) had a crush on her.

Curious and wanting to put an end to his confused thoughts, Chara decided to playfully tease (y/n). Quietly and unnoticed, she sneaked into his bed and carefully lay down beside him.

When (y/n) awoke in the middle of the night and felt arms around him, he froze in surprise. The tingling sensation on his skin immediately gave away who was beside him. He couldn't believe that Chara was actually here.

His face turned red as he realized who was holding him. Chara's soft laughter filled the room and made him blush even more. "You should see your face, (y/n). It's priceless."

(y/n) stuttered for words, his embarrassment evident. "W-what are you doing here?"

Chara grinned mischievously. "Oh, I thought I'd tease you a little bit. After all, I read your thoughts. You know, surprise you."

(y/n) couldn't help but smile. "You definitely succeeded in surprising me. But Chara, that's not fair."

Chara raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What's not fair?"

"Your mind-reading! You shouldn't be snooping around in my thoughts."

Chara chuckled softly. "But it was so interesting to find out what you feel for me."

(y/n) sighed but couldn't help smiling about the whole situation. He hugged Chara gently and said, "You're really unpredictable, you know that?"

Chara grinned. "That's what makes life exciting, isn't it?"

(y/n) agreed, and eventually, both of them relaxed. The tension between them was palpable, a mixture of excitement and uncertainty. They both knew their relationship was complicated, but in this moment, doubts seemed to fade into the background.

As they settled down again, (y/n) felt his eyelids growing heavy. "I think I'm going to fall asleep again."

Chara smiled. "Good night, (y/n)."

(y/n) closed his eyes, and as he slowly drifted back to sleep, he couldn't help but think about the unexpected turns of his adventure and how strong his connection with Chara had already become.

To be continued...

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