My readers I have a question!

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First things first I've been having trouble for 3 weeks uploading pictures Idk why I can type stuff but when I try to upload a picture the picture overlaps on my paragraphs I don't know why but I'm still trying to find a way to fix this if any of you know other authors or yourself have this problem lmk.

Question Do you guys want zohakuten in this ff ?

If I add him, do you guys not mind if I just add him as zohakuten, the full clone himself not having his previous clones ( Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi) out with zohakuten They'll be a part of the story where they all come together to form zoha if this makes sense. 

Also, is zohakuten the same age as hantengu?  Because hantengu 200 years old does that make zohakuten as well or no since he short like a child we can just pretend he's not if that make sense.

I won't be sexulizing children in any ff. I just don't wanna cause any confusion or discomfort.

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