Chapter 1

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No one ever talked to me. Why would they? I'm the Mudblood loner freak who somehow got sorted into Ravenclaw and only ever reads. I mean, that's what everyone thinks of me. So imagine my surprise when a Slytherin girl walked up to me. She was also a first year, slightly taller than me and was in all black. Always in black. Sometimes she would wear maybe pink or blue, but always black. I liked that about her. She knew exactly what she liked, meanwhile I couldn't even pick the right shoes to wear with my idiot looking outfit. Fast forward a few days, and we're best friends, sharing whatever tea we had, studying together, and we knew exactly when all we wanted to do was just read in silence. We've been best friends ever since. I think we always will be. Nothing can tear us apart.

"Hi! I'm Fred!"

"Er... Hi?" I said to the Gryffindor boy. I returned to my book, but he distracted me again.

"Whatcha doin'?"

Take a guess. I wanted to say. "Reading." I answered instead.

"Can I read with you?"

No. I wanted to say simply. "Um, no thanks. I'm waiting for my friend." He nodded and walked away. It finally clicked who I was talking to. Infamous Weasley twins. Or, twin. They're in my year, Gryffindors, and we shared History of Magic and Charms.

When Dealla, I like to call her Del, finally did show up, she was holding her Potions textbook. Everyday it was a different subject we studied for, and we chose to do Potions, because we had a foot long worth of homework to do for it. And of course we decided to do it when we only had three days left when we could have had three weeks. But we managed to get half of it done and promised to do it tomorrow along with the small amount of Charms homework we had.

I like Professor Flitwick. Not just because he's my head of house, or just because he doesn't set too much homework, but mainly because he's very nice. He doesn't let his short structure make him any less of a capable being. I can relate to him. I'm also short, but I was often told how good of a student I was. Apparently I had a hidden side Del didn't think was in me, and I often surprise myself.

"Hi!" Said a somehow familiar, squeaky voice. I looked up from my book.

"Um... Hi?" Not this kid again. I thought. Except it wasn't the same kid. They looked very similar, acted similarly, but they weren't the same.

"I met you yesterday, remember?"

"No, I met your brother yesterday. I don't know who you are though."

"Fred? Fred Weasley?"

I looked at him, racking my brains for any names that had been addressed to them. "No, you're George. The boy yesterday was Fred." He looked at me, appalled.

"You're good."

"What?" I asked. His brother stepped out from behind a shelf, gaping.

"You can tell us apart! Nobody can tell us apart! Not even our own mother!"

I shrugged. "Okay. If you say so."

Del finally showed up. "Hey! Sorry I'm- who are you?" She asked abruptly.

"I'm George."

"I'm Fred."

She looked them up and down then sat down next to me. "Freaky, don't you think?" Still looking at them.

"Eh, I guess. Also, that one's George, and that's Fred." I responded, pointing at them.

"Can you leave? We're going to study." Del said, shooing them with her hands. They ran away, snickering.

Except For You ~ {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now