Chapter 3

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"How am I still not better?" Del exclaims, frustrated, after she sneezes. Three times. In a row.

"I told you, you should've gone to Madam Pomfrey."

"No thanks. Um..." She looks at me warily.

"I'll get the tea." I laugh, putting my book down and standing up.

"You're the best!" She calls after me.

"I know!" I call back. I can practically feel her shaking her head and laughing. I smile. Del's amazing. The most best friend anyone could have. I jog to the Kitchen and enter. As soon as the elves notice Del's gone, they start making tea. I turn to my cabinet of food. That jerk's eating it again. "Oi!" I yell. He looks up at me and smiles cheekily. "What have I said about eating my food?" I ask sternly.

"Not to eat it." He answers. This is leading up to something. So I humour him.

"Then why have I found you eating it again?"

"Well, I haven't tried this flavour yet." It was something, but it didn't feel like he was finished.

"What do you mean?" I ask warily, stepping towards him.

"Well, every week, you have a new flavour of these." He says, shaking the Arnotts biscuits packet.

"So you've been eating my food for weeks?"

"Yep. Honestly, I would've thought you noticed by now."

"I blamed it on my sister. Gotta write an apology letter now, thanks." He shrugs.

"Put it back." I say, turning away. I turn back. "And stop eating my food. That's for me and Del." He holds his hands up in a surrendering way.

"Yes Ma'am." I roll my eyes. He snickers. He stands up and starts to walk over. I only just realise how tall he actually is. "So, you got my note."

"Explain further and I might humour you some more." I say.

"First year, under the painting out there." I immediately realise what he's talking about, but put on a confused face. "It said, 'tickle the pear'." I make a noise, a scoff combined with a laugh.

"That was you?" I say. He shrugs. "What if someone else found it?" I ask.

"They wouldn't. I put it in just before you passed." I raise my eyebrows. "Also, you're too curious to not look at it." I dig in the inside pocket of my jacket. I pull out the note.

"I guess you were right." I respond, opening it and showing the writing.

"You kept it?" He asks, astonished.

"I thought I could pass it on." I shrug, grabbing the tea and heading out the exit.

"Have I made it up to you yet?" He calls.

"Not even close, Mr Trouble." I answer.

I hear him chuckle. "Seeya soon, Miss Salty." I hold my hand up and wiggle my fingers in a sort of elegant wave and climb out of the tunnel.

A piece of parchment hits my shoulder. I don't even look at it. Another one hits me. I ignore it again. Then another hits my head. I almost slam my quill down. I turn around and see Mr Trouble smiling cheekily and pointing at the first piece of parchment. It's History of Magic, so Professor Binns won't care. I bend down and pick it up. I read it.

'How can I make it up to you?' I shake my head in annoyance. I write back and throw it at him.

'Not during class, idiot.' He smiles. It gets thrown back at me.

Except For You ~ {Fred Weasley}Where stories live. Discover now