Chapter 33

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My face remained blank as I recalled mine and Fred's kiss. It's not that I didn't love it, I did. I just knew that if I smiled like I really wanted to, Cedric would ask. I wanted to tell Cedric, but Fred and I had decided we would tell everyone we were actually together at the same time, both of us.
Mr. Diggory stopped us so we could wait for the Weasleys. I leaned against the tree while Cedric climbed the tree.
I was in a blouse, brown sweater vest and black pleated skirt. My stockings led to my maroon docs, and I had thrown a trench coat on top. It was a cold morning, okay?
The noise of many twigs snapping led me to pause my music, but I didn't take out my earphones. After another moment of silence, I turn my music back on and tune out the world. My mind wandered and didn't come back down to earth until I was scared out of my skin by the one I was so lucky to call my boyfriend.

"Ah!" The shock of someone grabbing my waist makes me jump so far I almost fall over. I turn on Fred. "You. Are. Dead." Before I can even fake raise my wand, Fred pulls me in and presses his lips to mine. Any thought of killing him melts from my mind as I kiss this beautiful being back. We break apart and hug like it had been weeks, even though we had just seen each other a few days ago.
"FRED!" A familiar voice screeches. George pounces on his brother, shaking his shoulders. "Since when?"
Fred and I laugh, waiting for George to stop harassing his twin. "The day at the lake," Fred answers with a grin.
I get tackled with a hug from Cedric. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, shoving my shoulder.
"We wanted to tell everyone at the same time," I answer with a sheepish smile.
"Mission accomplished." A new voice grumbles. I turn to the second youngest Weasley.
"Oh come on Ronnie!" I grin at him, reaching up to ruffle his hair. It must have been an odd sight. He swats me away with a smile tugging at his lips. "Hey Harry." The shorter black haired boy's head shoots up at his name.
"It must suck being stuck with these idiots at the world cup, huh? Don't worry, your favourite person is here to keep you company." He laughs lightly at my comment, then louder when he notices Ron's scowl. I turn to Hermonie. "Hey! It's younger me!" She laughs and gives me a quick hug.
"Hey y/n." A younger voice speaks up behind me. I turn and grin at the redheaded girl.
"Ginny!" I give her a hug as well. "It must be nice knowing I'll be getting Fred out of your hair, huh?"
"At least he'll be talking about you instead of himself now." She grins when Fred's jaw drops.
"You're one to talk, you little-"
"Miss Mathias." Awarm, older voice speaks. I turn to see a weary but bright looking middle aged man, with signature Weasley hair.
"You must be Mr. Weasley," I greet, sticking out my hand. He takes it firmly.
"Fred has spoken highly of you." He nods, smiling.
I laugh, spotting Fred's red face. "Well," I say, "who wouldn't?" I flick my hair behind my shoulder and a chorus of laughs erupts around me. I turn so I can see everyone. "Alright, let's get going! That portkey isn't going to wait around forever! Literally." Everyone chuckles and starts walking after Mr. Diggory. Fred's hand slips into mine and we walk side by side, laughing at anyone who dares 'aww' at the sight of us.
Yeah, I think, this year is going to be great.
Boy was I wrong.

A drawling voice interrupts mine and Cedric's conversation. "Amos! I didn't realise you had a daughter?"
I turn to see two figures, both with platinum blonde hair. I smile politely and quickly correct the taller man. "Oh, I'm not a Diggory! I'm y/n Mathias."
His smile drops slightly. "So you're the one calling yourself a Mudblood?"
I ignore his comment and keep smiling. "Nice to meet you too!"
His entire smile wipes from his face. "I don't appreciate that tone."
I raise my eyebrows and stop smiling, my lips parted lightly. "Oh, you want to be respected!" I smile mockingly. "I'm afraid you won't find that here."
"Watch your words carefully girl."
"The respect I am giving you is matched with how your son treats me. I understand not everyone is the same..." I look at the two figures, both in matching black suits and scowls on their faces. "But I expect that Draco learnt most everything from... Home." I finish with the same mocking smile.
"You should respect your elders!" He exclaims, slamming his cane into the ground.
"Respect has to be earned Mr. Malfoy." I smile and watch as the two walk further up the stairs before calling out. "Oh, and Draco?" He turns with a scowl on his face, but I see the curiosity in his eyes. "I'm flattered that you talk about me, really." I smile and wink, waving my fingers, noting the blood that rushes to his cheeks as he turns and quickly catches up with his father.
Cedric turns to me, fear flashing in his eyes. "You can't say that to Mr. Malfoy. He's one of the most influential families-"
"In the ministry, I know! I may be a muggle born, but I'm not dumb. Malfoy has been harassing me for three years, so I had to do some research."
Cedric shakes his head. "Mr. Malfoy isn't going to like you."
"Ced, he never did!" I grin as he mutters to himself, something about how he wished Fred was here instead.

The world cup was good. Exciting enough to keep everyone entertained, but short enough that we still had time to find the Weasleys before going to sleep.
"Hello?" I ask, poking my head in a tent flap. I had heard familiar voices coming from this one. Fred's eyes snap to mine, and he rushes over to me as I step inside the massive tent. "Hello," I say again as he pulls me in and kisses my cheek.
"I heard you said something rude to the Malfoy's?" Fred asks with a grin, his eyes dancing with mischief. I nod, and wave everyone over so they can hear the story.
"Alright. Me and Ced were just having a conversation right? And Luscious called me Cedric's sister-"
"Oh hell no! Get out of my sight woman, I am not dating a Diggory after that foul play last year!" Fred announces, pointing to the tent flap. There are stifled laughs. I wave him off.
"Oh shut it. Anyway, I corrected him and told him my name. He asked if I was the one Draco told him about, calling myself a mudblood which I politely ignored and then lied to him saying it was nice to meet him."
"Yes y/n!" Ron shouts, pumping the air.
"Oh, I'm just getting started." Everyone quiets down and waits for me to continue. "He tells me he doesn't like my tone or whatever and I tell him that he won't find respect with me around. Then he told me to respect my elders, which I do by the way. Anyways, I tell him that the respect I have for him is matched with how his son treats me. And, as we all know, it is poor."
Harry scoffs. "You could say that again."
"Tell me about it." I roll my eyes. "So anyway, he storms up the steps, and I tell Draco I'm flattered that he talks about me. Of course, I'm not, but it sure is good blackmail."
Fred picks me up and spins me in the air. "That's my girlfriend!" Once he sets me down, he joins the chant. "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!"
I laugh, then point to Harry. "Any words?"
"Draco's going to drop out any day at this point!"
"Woo!" Everyone cheers.
"What are you lot on?" Bill asks as he enters the tent.
"Y/n was just telling us how she absolutely wrecked Luscious and Draco earlier," Fred responds, his arm wrapping around my waist. I roll my eyes.
"Oh yeah. I heard about that." Bill puts the kettle on. "I don't know if that was the smartest idea y/n. He's going to be out for you personally now. Any advantages you may have had before..." Bill trails off as he fusses around in the kitchen, looking for a teabag.
"Top, two to the left," I say, guiding him to the teabags. He opens it and takes one. "And I didn't have any advantages anyway. I'm full muggle born. I don't have any ancestors, that I know of, with strong influence in the Wizarding world. I'm as much of a target now that I was before."
Bill nods as he ponders this. "But... I wouldn't go around disrespecting anyone."
"I don't. I just like having the blackmail over Draco's head next time he tries to drag me down into detention." Bill glares at me. "I won't do it again..." I mutter. He nods. I turn back to everyone, who had gotten bored of my conversation with Bill and we're talking about Krum now.
"Is he your boyfriend Ron?" Ginny teases. Ron scowls as everyone jumps into song, a grin breaking onto my face.
Nothing, I started to think, can ruin this perfect moment.
Why did I love jinxing myself?

Sorry for the irregular update schedule, I just finished my first term of school. I also haven't felt that motivated to write, but I really wanted to write this chapter because Fred and y/n are finally together!!
What do you think, were they cute enough?

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