Chapter 7

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Mr Trouble comes up to me at breakfast and sits down across from me. "Hey." He whispers.

"Hi." I respond blankly, turning the page of my book.

"What do you have next?"

"Reading, more reading, eating, then more reading and some more reading." I answer, not looking up from my book. "Now, I strongly advise that you leave me alone." I add.

" 'Kay. Seeya Miss Salty." He stands up then sits back down and leans in. "Don't almost get petrified or else I'll have to save you and I don't really want to do that."

"I swear I won't go and annoy Harry so I'm next on his victim list." I respond. I finally look up and smirk. "Maybe I will, it'll get you off my back." He chuckles.

"You do that, you do that." He leaves and waves the same elegant way I do. I roll my eyes.

"Do you have to copy everything I do?" I call after him. His hand changes from a wave into a thumbs up and he stuffs his fists into his pockets. I shake my head, trying to keep the smile off my face.

After a few weeks into winter, the snow got much too heavy to walk in, so all outside classes were cancelled. I was sitting in the library when I heard a lot of scuffling. Paranoid, I instantly look up, quickly realising there was no way for anyone to drop a water balloon on me again. I listened for a second. There were at least four people walking somewhere. I got up and silently walked after the noise. A bunch of second year Hufflepuffs were on a table, talking about something much more interesting than their schoolwork. I moved closer and listened in.

"He was terrified last night! Potter had sent that snake on him! He could have died! So anyway, I told Justin to stay in the dorms." I glance around because there is more scuffling. Potter had showed up and was listening in too. We kept listening. " his next victim, it's best for him to keep a low profile. Of course, he's been waiting for this to happen, because he actually told  him he was down for Eton. A muggle school! Not something you should tell the heir of Slytherin, now is it?" I saw Harry visibly shaking.

"You definitely think it's him then Ernie?" 'How can it be him?' is a better question.

"Of course he is Hannah! He's a parselmouth! No decent wizard has been a parselmouth, they say Slytherin himself was one too!" I signalled for Harry to be quiet. He nodded, and I loudly cleared my throat, stepping out from behind the bookshelf. The second years' faces when they saw me were hilarious. I smiled.

"So, Harry's the heir of Slytherin?" I asked.

"Yeah!" A small kid answered. I glare at him. I walk forward and slam my hands down on the table.

"Yeah? What makes you say that?"

"Well, first of all, he had a run in with Filch, next thing we know, his cat is attacked!" Ernie responds.

I chuckle once and cross my arms. After a second I dramatically call into the air. "Oh Harry, heir of Slytherin, where were you the night of aforementioned attack?" Harry steps out from behind the other bookshelf, smirking hugely. The Hufflepuffs drain of colour.

"I do believe I was at Nearly Headless Nick's death day party. You can ask him if you like."

"Well- well what about Creevy?" Ernie asks after a long moment.

"What about him?" I snap.

"He was annoying Harry, then he's also attacked!" He replies. I start to laugh. Everyone, including Harry, looks at me confused.

"You really think," I wheeze, "You really think that while Harry's getting his bones magically put back into him that he'll want to attack someone?" I breathe hard. "In what world would he have the time, energy, or, sorry Harry, the guts?" Harry smiles broadly.

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