Chapter 32

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The scent of waffles fills my nostrils and I shoot upright. I pull a shirt on top of my pyjama shorts and rush down the stairs, taking my place at the dining table. There's waffles, fruit, syrup, whipped cream and jam. I stack two waffles and then scoop some fruit onto it, drizzling syrup over it all.

"So, what are we doing today?" Ron asks through a mouthful of waffles and cream.
"We could go down to the lake," Ginny suggests. "Radio said it's meant to be boiling today."
"Sounds like a plan," I say, shovelling the last of my food into my mouth and getting up. I drop the plate into the sink, kiss mom on the forehead, and head back upstairs to get changed.
As I'm shuffling through my drawers, trying to find my swimming trunks, scenes from y/n's birthday replay in my mind. The fact that we were so close, but we didn't kiss. I could've counted all her freckles she was that close. But she pulled away. So now my mind is clouded with thoughts of what could have happened if she hadn't.

Ginny tugs on my hand and I laugh, jogging with her and leaving Ron and George to catch up.
We get to the lake some time later, and I wave my towel out. George drops the basket mom made up for us next to it, and waves his towel out next to mine. I unbutton my shirt and drop it carelessly on my towel, flicking my flip-flops off. I run a hand through my hair, when I hear a splash and a laugh. A very familiar laugh. I whip around and stop myself from dropping my jaw as I see her.
y/n is standing on the other side of the lake, holding onto a rope, laughing at someone in the water with her eyes closed. She opens them and they quickly find me watching her. Her smile widens and she cocks her head, before winking and swinging on the rope, cannon-balling into the water. She surfaces and looks in my direction, her eyebrow raised as if daring me to enter as well.

I feel my legs run, jump, curl up against my chest, and my arms wrap around them. All sound is blocked from my ears as I sink far under the water. When I surface, y/n's arm is over her face, her head turned away, and I hear her laugh.
"Why, you must always have the most dramatic entrances, don't you?" She asks, moving her arms in an arc once, closer to me.
"You cannon-balled first," I respond, moving towards her as well.
"I was here first."
"True." I grin and she grins back. She pushes off the bottom of the lake and wraps her arms around my neck, letting me spin her around. It's as if nothing else matters in this moment.

That is, until Ginny clears her throat and wades towards us.
y/n breaks off and grins down at her.
"So... You're Fred's girlfriend?" I flush but y/n simply laughs at Ginny's comment.
"No, I'm not."
"But you are y/n yes?"
"Yes, but I'm not his girlfriend." She glances at me with a smile as if to add, 'yet'.
"He talks about you like you are," Ginny adds, seeming confused.
"Yeah, he does that." She keeps smiling, and I see the slight smirk creep onto her face when she notices me blushing. "I think you owe me a thank you," y/n says to Ginny suddenly. "I did save your life in fourth year you know." Ginny laughs and hugs her around the middle.
"I see why Fred likes you," Ginny whispers loudly.
"I mean, in all honesty, who wouldn't?" y/n whispers back, making her laugh again.

As y/n greets George and Ron, I examine everything about her. The hair loose from her braids framing her face perfectly, the sun shining through the strands and lighting up her face. Her freckles seem subdued compared to her popping blue eyes, and her dimples are on display the entire time she's talking to them. Just watching her makes me smile.
y/n turns to me and smiles largely, then looks over my shoulder and waves at someone. I turn my head and notice Cedric swimming towards us.
"Well, I kinda forgot you guys lived around here too," he says, smiling at all of us. We had been trying to shun him after he beat Harry in quidditch, but y/n made it kind of impossible.
"No, you did not!" y/n laughs out. "You practically dragged me down here to see them today!" Cedric's whole face flushes, but he doesn't stop smiling.
"Well, I'm just rooting for you and Fred. It's taking way to long for you guys to get together."
I feel my face heat and y/n's face is probably as red as mine. We both laugh awkwardly and avoid eye contact. Cedric laughs and swims to George and Ginny. Poor Ron, he kinda doesn't have a friend right now. Ah well, he'll be fine.

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