Chapter 37

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I step out of the compartment and close the door, leaning against the wall. I stare at the ground.
"y/n, I have been your best friend for way too many years to not notice when you're upset. What didn't Fred tell us?"
I swallow, looking at my hands. "There... Was a death. A little muggle girl. She..." I broke down, crying into Del's shoulder. I took five minutes before composing myself. "I did so much... I fought so many death eaters, I put out so many fires, I got the family to safety. I can notice when you're angry because you bang your leg, I can notice how Dumbledore's voice is more tired every year but I can't notice a child not waking up?" A tear rolls down my cheek. Del places her hands on my shoulders and rubs them.
"It's not your fault."
"Everyone keeps saying that! But I was supposed to help them! That was my job! And I failed Del! I failed!" My head falls into the crook of her neck and she rubs my back.

I stood, panting, as the last wizard left. My hands fell to my side, my entire body shaking slightly out of exhaustion. All I could hear was the fires crackling and the footsteps of people who looked over the wreckage.
A small smile spread on my face as I saw the muggle family were okay and coming towards us. It dropped when I saw the pure terror and disbelief in their eyes. At first I thought it was because of the burnt grounds. Then there was a collective gasp behind me and I turned. My eyes immediately fell on her. I moved forward to her, dropping to my knees beside her lifeless figure. I turned her over in my arms as I tried to hold back my tears.
She looked so peaceful, her blonde hair framing her pale face well and so few freckles on her face that they were countable. Her lips were thin and pink, and her nose was so small. It was tinged from the cold, as were her ears. Her dress was pretty, and she looked as though her body was preserved as soon as she died. She smelt like roses.
She reminded me of a little girl at Hogwarts, she would be second year. She had asked me what was wrong last year when Sirius had broken into the castle and everyone had to sleep in the Great Hall. She was so sweet and innocent. That's when the first of many tears fell.
The girl looked as if she were crying my tears.

I broke from Del and wiped under my eyes. "I think I've cried enough."
She nods, turning back to the door. A voice freezes us both.
"Two mud bloods in one place? This must be my lucky day!"
I turn to Draco and his minions, a fire lit in my stomach, lighting the pit up. It was the same one that had been lit that night.
"Draco. To what do I owe this unpleasant encounter?"
"That's no way to talk to your superiors!" He exclaims with a smile. Crabbe and Goyle Snickers behind him. I raise my eyebrows, taking a step forward.
"Luckily for me, you aren't my superior." My eyes glint and he drops the fake smile.
"I'm of pureblood. You are nothing more than a mudblood."
"A mudblood from Australia, who is Prefect and has been offered an apprenticeship by the ministry before she even graduated." I take another step forward. "And what have you done that holds any significance Draco?"
He looks at me with distaste and surprise. Crabbe looks sheepish and Goyle looks angry. "You should have been expelled." Draco spits.
"And you should have gotten a detention from Snape by now, but look, we're both still here."
Draco scowls. Fred enters the hallway but Del glares at him so he won't say anything. "Oh, does your big strong boyfriend have to come and save you from scary Malfoy?" His friends snicker. "It's a shame I won't be able to kill you so you can be with that muggle girl-" Draco doesn't get to finish his sentence before I punch him in the jaw. He falls to the ground and I crouch down.
"There's a few things wrong with that Malfoy," I murmur, playing with my wand. "You don't scare me and I sure as hell don't need saving." I stand, turning and walking back to my compartment. I pause at the doorway. "And that's the biggest shame of all. You think you can get away with being a dickhead."

I stay silent for most of the trip to Hogwarts. Harry, Ron and Hermione come by and Del tells them the story of how I punched Draco. They found it highly amusing. Cedric also came by and rescued me from the silence and scowling with Prefect duty.
"Are you okay?" He asks, concerned. I glance at him, my brows furrowed. "I heard about what happened with Malfoy."
"Oh," I mutter, slightly rude. "I'm fine. I wish he would have left me alone, that's all."
Ced nods in understanding, letting me fall into step beside the other Ravenclaw Prefect before heading back to his own compartment.
"So," Roger says, glancing at me. "How was the World Cup?"
"It's an event I'm not particularly fond of."
He nods. "I was there, you know. You want people to stop asking, don't you?"
"Yes," I answer simply, playing with the sleeve of my sweater.
"Then I'll stop. How was the rest of your summer? Anything noteworthy?"
"Fred and I got together."
"Bloody hell, finally!" He exclaims. I look at him then laugh.
"Even you, huh?"
"Practically everyone at this point! Here, tell these three." Roger opens the door to a compartment and I see Neville, Seamus and Dean.
"Um... Okay..." I give Roger a weird look before addressing Neville. "Hey Neville."
"Me?" He asks, as if scared.
"Yes? I don't think I see another Neville anywhere here."
"Am I in trouble?"
"No?" I laugh. "What? No, I was just going to ask if you knew Fred."
"Oh. Of course I know Fred, he's-"
"The coolest guy in Gryffindor!" Seamus interrupts. Dean and Neville nod in agreement.
"I'm glad you think of my boyfriend so highly. I'll be sure to pass on the compliment."
Dean blinks at me before breaking out into a grin. "Wait, you two are actually together?" I nod. Seamus flops into the back of his seat.
"Merlin that took forever!" He shouts out. I laugh as Neville looks at me with a sheepish grin.
"Thanks for taking my survey." I close the door and turn to a grinning Roger. "Alright you win!" I say with a laugh and continuing with the patrol. "I still can't believe those three were waiting for us to get together. I didn't think everyone knew?"
"You stormed into lunch and yelled in his face and he didn't make one snarky retort or get mad at you. Everyone pieced it together pretty quickly."
"Damn. Sometimes I forget there are more people out there."
"Out where?"
"Here." I point to my head. He nods.
"You can be pretty darn relatable sometimes."
I laugh. "I haven't heard the word 'darn' in a hot minute."
Roger laughs too. "It slipped out!"
I finish the patrol with a smile.

Fun fact; I wrote chapters 34-37 all in the same day that I finished and uploaded chapter 33. :)

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