Chapter 29

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I lie awake in the seemingly silent room, sunlight streaming in through the windows. Birds chirp outside and a soft breeze flows into the room from the open window. The window I opened last night because I was getting a nervous sweat.
Throwing the blankets off of me, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and step onto the cold wood. Lightly moving to the window, I rest my forearms on the sill and drink in the fresh air, letting it sooth my nerves.
It was April eleventh today. My birthday. My sixteen birthday. The day both Cedric and Fred were fighting it out to see who could kiss me first.
But I didn't want to kiss anyone yet. Sure, we had been friends for ages, but I don't know if I can move forward that quickly. Besides, it's my first kiss. I don't want it to be stolen from someone who doesn't actually like me, they just have to show someone else up.
I sigh and turn, walking over to my trunk. Bringing out my robes, I head into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. Of course my birthday was on a Monday. Which meant classes. Yay.

I feel someone plonk into the seat beside me and look up, smiling upon sight.
"What's with the long face?" Fred jokes. I laugh lightly. "Okay, seriously though, happy birthday."
"Thanks Mr Trouble."
We sit there quietly for a moment. Then Fred cocks his head forward. "So...?"
"You aren't getting a kiss."
"Damn!" He smirks at me, earning an eye roll.
"Neither is Cedric."
"Oh?" He leans forward, chin in his hand.
"You heard me."
"C'mon! You won't let anyone give you a birthday kiss?"
"No, I won't."
"You're such a bore!" He whines.
"That's why you're here! Because you aren't a bore!"
"Alright, alright. I'm getting a kiss from you one day though." He winks and stands up, walking back to his table.
I look back to my food, about to take another bite when someone else sits beside me. I turn to face them.
"Hey Ced!"
"Hey! Happy birthday!" He grins.
"Yeah, thanks." I fiddle with my fork, my smile turning to a frown.
"What's wrong?"
I shrug. "Nothing, don't worry about it." I look from my fork and study his face. Realisation settles into my stomach. "Actually, I need to talk to you." When I stand, I wait for Cedric before I start out of the Great Hall.
"Okay, what's wrong? Seriously." He asks, grabbing my wrist loosely and swinging me around to look at him.
"Okay... This is hard..." Cedric waits for me to continue. "Um... So I just realised something..."
"I can't kiss you." I blurt, looking down at my fiddling hands.
"I can't kiss you because I don't like you like that. I convinced myself that what I was feeling when I first met you was something because I liked you.
"But I think what I was feeling was just being talked to, out of the blue, by a cute guy. I'm sorry."
Cedric envelops me in a hug. "Don't be. I get it. Feelings are confusing."
We seperate. "So, how did you realise?" He asks, leading me back to the Great Hall.
"Well, Fred came up to me a few minutes before you. And when we were talking I realised that the butterflies I felt when talking to Fred didn't stay when I was talking to you." Cedric merely nods, sitting down with me and my table. "We can still be friends, right?"
"Of course we can." He smiles, then stands.
Once he's out of hearing range, I turn to the girls. "Grace, Lilly wins."
"Damn..." She mutters, handing Lilly a few galleons. I laugh lightly under my breath, glancing behind me and catching Fred looking at me. I smile and wave, the butterflies in my stomach waking up.

A hand claps over my mouth and another pulls me into someone behind me by the waist. Quickly realising who it is, I don't try and fight.
"A little birdie told me I have no more competition." Fred whispers in my ear, and I can feel his breath on my neck. Once I break free of his grasp, we walk beside each other.
"Was this birdie from Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?" I ask, holding my bag strap as I look up at Fred.
"They were wearing yellow." He smirks down at me.
"Ah, so Cedric told you?"
"You are really good at that!" He exclaims, making me laugh. I turn up the staircase to my common room.
"It's kinda my thing." I shrug, climbing the steps backwards so I'm still facing him.
"Humble, aren't we?"
"Oh, very. No one is as modest as me." I grin, then turn a corner, hearing him laugh.
I rush up the steps and enter the common room, heading to my dorm. I'm digging through my trunk when an owl lands on our window sill. I open it, letting the bird in. After taking the letter from it's beak and watching it fly over to Alice's owl, I quickly notice the seal. A smile creeps onto my face as I slip my finger underneath the wax and break it, tugging the letter from the envelope.
'Dear Miss Salty,
I have noticed that you haven't celebrated your birthday as of yet.
Therefore, I am extending this invitation and asking you if you would like to commit to an old hobby of ours?
Yours truly, Mr Trouble.'
I feel my stomach churn from all the butterflies as I grab supplies and write a letter back.
'Dear Mr Trouble,
What hobby are you referring to? I hope it's not me crying in the Astronomy tower (that was only once as you must remember). And I must insist that we don't go to another party where I have to sing.
Your beloved, Miss Salty.'
I walk over to the owl and give it the letter, telling it who to give it to.
Fred wastes no time to write me another, because three minutes later the owl is back.
'Dear Miss Salty,
I'm glad you asked. I was hoping we could read at the top of the astronomy tower again. But, considering it's your birthday, I suggest you wear something more formal. I promise I will as well.
Meet me at the Gryffindor portrait in an hour.
I hope to see you there.
Yours truly, Mr Trouble.'
I kick my feet and quickly write a response, trying to ignore the incessant nagging of the butterflies in my stomach.
'Dear Mr Trouble,
I would love to meet you to read at the astronomy tower again.
The stars create a real theme, don't you think? There's something magical about them that beats magic itself.
I'll see you in an hour.
Your beloved, Miss Salty.'

When the owl leaves I dig through my trunk and bring out a brown long sleeved shirt, a black pleated skirt and stockings.
I pull my outfit on quickly. Once verifying that I had enough time to do hair, I seperated my curtain bangs from my hair then slicked the main portion back into a high ponytail. I got some smaller rubber bands out and pulled small sections from the ponytail. Then I divided the section into three small strands and plaited it, tying it up and doing it four more times.
When I'm finished, I pull on Fred's jersey and dash out of my common room. I keep overthinking on my way to the Gryffindor portrait. Did I overdo it with the outfit? Is this actually a date and I didn't realise?
All those thoughts melt from my mind when I see Fred. He is in a maroon button-up tee-shirt and black tux pants. He also looks neater somehow, although his hair is just as messy as usual.
When he sees me his eyes light up and he smiles. No smirk this time. Just a genuine smile.
"Hey." I mutter nervously.
"Hey. You look good."
"Thanks." My gaze falls to my fiddling hands. "You too."
"Look at me." I lift my head and stare into his hazel eyes. "Come on. Those books won't read themselves." He jokes, making me laugh. He takes my hand and leads me up the first staircase.

When we get to the astronomy tower, Fred is still holding my hand. He opens the door and lets me in first, staying behind me but interlocking our fingers so I can't let go. I step through the door and try to see anything. But I can't. It's pitch black.
"Why's it so dark?" I whisper behind me.
"Happy birthday." Fred whispers in my right ear, hands still interlocked but his other hand over my stomach and on my waist.
When he says that, in a flash, lights turn on. "Surprise!" People yell, jumping up from behind their hiding spots, even though I couldn't see anything anyways. I blink, then laugh, my jaw dropping. The entire tower is decorated in fairy lights with a yellow glow, and there are tables donned with silvery tablecloths and drinks and snacks. I step further into the room, my hand slipping from Fred's and turn around slowly, taking everything in.
"Do you like it?" He asks quietly from behind me. When I face Fred his expression has changed into one of nervousness. I smile and run up to him, throwing my arms around his neck. He stumbles back but wraps his arms around my waist.
"I love it Mr Trouble." I whisper.
"Good. Or else this would be super embarrassing." I laugh at his joke, stepping back and scanning the faces of everyone there. Quickly spotting Del, I run up to her and hug her as well. Then I whack her on the arm.
"You suck! I can't believe you didn't tell me!" I exclaim, hearing music playing and people moving around.
She laughs. "It's a surprise party! Not much surprise if you already know."
"You still suck." I mumble, walking back to Fred and George with her.
"If you insist." She says dramatically.
"I do." I respond, making her laugh again. I blow out and look around at the party. Everyone was happy and... Oh my gosh there's a present table? I groan once I spot it and cover my face with my hands.
Fred takes my hands in his and I look up at him, frowning.
"I can't believe this. The one person who is sad at a birthday party is the birthday girl."
"There's a present table." I explain. Not really though.
"So?" He asks, like any sane person would.
"It makes me look selfish."
He smiles cheekily. "I'll take them if you don't want them."
I roll my eyes. "I hate you."
"No you don't."
"Eh. Kinda do."
He laughs, throwing his head back. "I'll take what I can get."
I roll my eyes again, biting back a smile. "I thought I said no parties?"
"You don't have to sing at this one."
"I should have known you'd find a loophole."
"I always do." I laugh lightly at his response. He starts to lead me through the crowd. "So, I've been thinking."
I fake gasp. "I didn't know they were giving brains out!"
"Oh haha." He rolls his eyes, but I see him hide a smirk. "I think you owe me a birthday kiss."

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